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I’ll be completely honest with y’all. I was not expecting you lot to go this far for her. I’m quite honestly touched.

Thank you


Well now I know where Will can go when he has a bubu :joy:

So, you’re saying each piece has these runes?
So here’s my question: Does each rune work for the whole body, or just the part it’s covering?

on a side note there’s a good chance that I can lose power at any moment just letting y’all know

Why? Is Thor not merciful with you today? You’re quite active, I like that.

The entire body, it works quite simply, magic or energy used to heal Fran past the predetermined amount causes that energy to be released as those glowing spikes

Well then ain’t that a waste of magical energy. They should have just placed one on the small of her back, where she couldn’t reach it with her hands to rip off, if just one can effect the whole body.

Father Gwyn didn’t want to take any chances, she might get help, or the rune might get damaged.


So I still don’t understand, what is keeping her alive? Runes?

Fair, fair

Quick, somebody invent sandpaper!

I was thinking something similar, like laser therapy

Not exactly, the runes stop her from healing but they also stop the physical pain. The ointment helps stop bleeding and slows her decomposition rate.

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@Ruh is she literally naked?

She’s not wearing any clothes (she really doesn’t have much to cover) and a good 45% of her skin has been ripped off

Siansa has been doing what she can to repair the skin, so I don’t know how much that changes things.

For clarification Fran’s body just looks like a mannequin that’s been sliced up to move better

Yeah I do understand that.

Well I don’t understand why Lanmo was brought into this, he is basically useless in this situation…so I suppose I’ll back off.

He can heal stuff right? They brought you because they thought you could help

Yeah he can heal, but that doesn’t work very well with Fran now does it?