The Relationship Topic

Well when you’ve got a warped world view like me, it’s difficult to understand real-world responsibilities. Guess it’s the single life for me.

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So, guess I’ll be going to college soon…

I have high hopes? Maybe? Hopefully I’ll at least find a date. Then again, I’m weird, so I (jokingly) doubt it.

College is a good place to start but more importantly than that get involved with Community ventures. Same goes to you @Likus

Church is fine and dandy if that’s something you’re heavily involved in, but many people also see Church as something they’d prefer not invade their very personal daily lives. It can make things significantly more awkward or unlikely to work out. For a lot of people dating in your church is like dating in your workplace. It can work but it can also just be so… so awkward.

My GF and I met at an Open Mic Night at a cafe a mutual friend was hosting. We were hanging out there for months before I invited her over for a (very friendly) game night with people from the cafe and my work friends. Fast Forward a few months and we’re seeing eachother casually. A few more months, exclusively.

A year later, we’ve moved in together.

And neither of us specifically “Wanted” to date. We were very much okay with just a casual relationship, and if it turned into more, then we’d roll with it. I find many people are too set in this dream of the perfect relationship that you don’t even recognize it’s not -really- what you need. The reason the advice of “work on yourself and the relationship will come” is so prevalent is that without doing so you’re just another face in the crowd at best, and at worst you’re the creepy guy they should avoid.

Ending highschool and coming out of it I absolutely had what could, at best, be described as very “Incel-y” thoughts and viewpoints about Women. But the truth is that the problem was me.

So I started taking music a little more seriously. Started going out, playing pool, meeting people, playing shows, working a job that forced me to be a sociable person. I got, amazingly, to the point where I didn’t feel like my day was empty because I came home and had no one to share it with, because home was my quiet time alone and I loved it.

And then I was dating someone.

Someone who was very specifically told not to date me, and we’re about as near perfect as I could have dreamed.

TL;DR: Stop being so sad/mad/disappointed over the opportunities that passed you by that you stop looking for the opportunities that are coming your way. Also, don’t get caught in the trap of making your lack of a significant other a part of your identity.

It’s a turn off.


While this video is inspired by South Park and as such has some adult tones to it that may be inappropriate for younger users of this board, I always look to this animation built on What is Love by Haddaway as a good narrative for relationships. If you choose to view this, and find yourself confused by the infused narratives of love, I would be glad to explain a certain scene.

So uh
My crush is moving to Oregon
Which is where I’m not, and about a 12-14 hour drive from our current town, if not more
Which sucks, even though I was A. kind of moving on anyways, and B. it wasn’t going anywhere
She’s still my friend, and probably one of my better friends at that.


I agree with the sentiment of working on yourself. I went through a looong period in my early-mid 20s of being single; but in that time I came out, transitioned, moved to a city, started getting involved in a couple of local scenes, started making friends/acquaintances of different ages and backgrounds - all whilst keeping my very nerdy interests (but keeping a healthy perspective on them) - and suddenly people started being interested in me. Even turned down a couple people cos I knew it wouldn’t work (still friends).

I’ve been in my current relationship 2+ years, but have actually accepted that it’ll probably end and my plan is to adopt at some point as a single parent. Life can take so many forms, and we’re conditioned to think that nuclear family is the ‘proper’ option.

I only (relatively) recently realised I’m on the autistic spectrum, I imagine a number of people here may be. All I can say is little pushes outside of your comfort zone now and then are good for growth - and also remember that most of the time nobody really knows what they’re doing!

…mighta gone a bit off-track there

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Not to take away from your overall point, (which I agree with), there is a reason for this. Simply, it’s the best option for the kid. Not to say the others don’t work and can’t turn out well-adjusted, functioning memebers of society, but studies show that the nuclear family structure is the best option. With single parent as a close second, if I recall correctly. The human brain is conditioned towards that structure, for whatever reason.


An associate of mine introduced me to an anonymous website for just women, and they have several threads dedicated to discussing relationships

get rid of all your plastic lmao

No! Never!

It’s either me with my Lego or nobody


We will never give up our plastiks!



These don’t contradict


But Greg contradicts the canonical existence of love. Therefore a Bionicle gf is impossible.


Love is canon!

My gf and I are a combination of both of the main parks and rec couples

Ron Swanson and Diana whatsherface?

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Duckie doesn’t need or deserve a tammy.
He needs a Diana.

No, Leslie Ben April and Andy. There are certain traits that I share with Chris and Ron though

oh, them

But ron ;-;

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