The Winter Legion Compendium Vol. 2 (RP Topic)

William looks back at the assembled crowed, “It is better to die for a cause than live for yourself!” He shouts, motioning for them to shout back, when they had he looked at them closely “Many of you may not have realized what these men and women have done for you. When we were about to die they volenteered to be first through the gates to save you. and agaisnt our most lethal foe, who none here could ever hope to best, they stood their ground with honour. JUNT HAL!”


“It’s better to die for a cause than live for yourself!” Catina shouted. Hoping her words weren’t noticeably slurred. “JUNT HAL!”


Calvma and Elia looked at each other, then looking at Azurai who stood in front of them. Before Calvma gave out a sigh. “We don’t have a choice do we?”

“No we don’t.” Azurai told him.

“It is better to die for a cause than live for yourself!” They shouted, feeling that something inside them had died, they felt like they were not who they once were.

“JUNT HAL!” As they shouted the words it almost felt like it hurt them to do so.

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the twins sit there on the deck

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(On the deck, they teleported to a boat)

Hundreds of voices take up the call “JUNT HAL, JUNT HAL, JUNT HAL”


“You what this means right?” Elia asked Azurai as he didn’t turn to face them instead looking at his long sword.

“Azurai?” She asked again before Calvma placed his hand on her shoulder, not saying a word as he hung his head in defeat.


William bows his head, “For this attack, there is only one reasonable answer”

The Legionaries behind the Liberators raise their axes, “MAKE THEM BLEED”

“We are not just going to expell them from our land, we’re going to strike into the heart of theirs!”



Rachne and Krugs merely watched, having no idea what to do


Eyvris smirks. These guys are quite driven He thinks to himself. I’m surprised they hadn’t tried to do that already.


(Unfortunatly, This RP must come to an End, I will be ending it in my next post)


(grace keeps her hat though he told me this)

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(Uh, no, Aries is still where she is)
The next morning the Timberwolves sprint out the south gate, moving at great speed, they outstrip the supply wagons. In three short days they come to Kingsport,

Admiral Walker looks at the Legion as it sweeps through the city, anihilating the poor fools still landlocked. She turns to see the Legion fleet entering the harbour, outnumbering the Summer one three to one
(I’ll write the rest later)

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Aries fled the battle, hoping to escape the city before the Legion could slaughter her.

(She’s on a ship, with Admiral Walker)

“No matter what may happen. She’s mine! There is a matter of pride that must be addressed” Catina plainly stated to everyone as she pointed towards Aries with her sword, from the docks close by Admiral Walker’s fleet.

(Uh, The Timberwolves ran into the city, they’re going to meet up with the Legion fleet)
The Legion fleet crashes into the summer one, massive whirlpools are created as the huge hulks of broken ships begin to sink. Legion rams cut through the Armada ships, but a counter attack is swift, fire is launched into the Legion Fleet, and soon their numbers are halved

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Aries dives off of the ship to escape, discarding her armor.

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Both the twins try to flee.

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Catina spots her attempting to escape, and guessing the general area Aries will make it to shore. Catina runs to cut her off. Delayed a little by a column of Summer Archers, who force her to make a crude but thick ice shield, that she hurls through the center of them along with a strong gust of wind and snow, that knocked them all down. And Catina runs through the stunned column, stepping on a few of them lying in her path.

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Aries sights Catina. “Timberwolf…” She says with malice.

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