Unpopular Opinions about Movies (and Television Shows)

Apart from the fact that the one time they did make it set accurate, they shouldn’t have. Glatorian are about 80% organic and 20% mechanical, so of course, now is the best time to make them look exactly like the piston-ridden, pin filled sets. And just to make sure that they look even more mechanical, let’s make every pin on the set spin constantly.


Never watched gravity falls or Steven universe but I don’t get the appeal to shows like that. Like having a serious action adventure kind of story “skinned” as just a silly kids cartoon. It’d be like if Doofenshmirtz was following one linear plan to complete some ritual for taking over the tri state area and Phineas and Ferb have to stop him and there’s legitimate consistent character development. Maybe it’s just me but I think that would be very odd, and I don’t see the appeal of shows that actually do that.


Just because it’s a show made kid-friendly doesn’t mean it has to be a goofy, silly joke of a show that is only enjoyable by kids.

A show at its core is a story. Just because the story is being told on a kid’s channel doesn’t mean it can’t be good. Steven Universe and Gravity Falls are so popular because they have good stories. The cartoon aspect is just a medium. I think there are a lot of parts to both of these shows that only work in their cartoony appearance. There are a lot of fun ideas and expressions that can’t be expressed in live action, and trying to imagine these two shows in particular in anything other than cartoon brings me actual pain.

This is why I don’t think a live action Avatar will ever work. The characters in the cartoon are just so expressive and fun which really isn’t possible to do in live action.

Are you referring to the Phineas and Ferb movie? Because this is exactly what happens in it.

Actually, Candace follows a pretty solid character arc and that’s why I think she’s one of the greatest characters in the show. Same with Doofenschmirtz, my personal favorite.

Essentially, my main point is that shows that take a kid-friendly and cartoony appearance doesn’t mean they have to have a bad story. Look at Phineas and Ferb, Steven Universe, seasons 8 and 9 of Ninjago, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, The Super Mario Super Show, Pixar films, et cetera.

Steven and gravity seemed to originally just be goofy funny shows, but took on linear stories is more what I was referring to. Not that cartoons can’t have good stories but it’s just strange to me that goofy comedy shows like one about a summer camp took on a mystery-adventure kinda story

I still like that. It’s a show that both I, an eighteen year-old, and my sister, who is over six years younger than me, can (and did) both watch and enjoy. We may have liked it for different reasons, but we both got the same thing out of it: entertainment.

I get why that may feel weird to you, but it’s those types of shows I personally love and look forward to watching, so I feel obligated to defend them. But I understand your point.

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Key word there is “seemed”, really. Gravity Falls may have put less emphasis on the overarching story in its first season, but that doesn’t mean that the later plot developments weren’t planned or weren’t being set up. It’s a lot like Avatar, if you’ve seen that.

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The Hobbit trilogy is very underappreciated.

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I don’t like Harry Potter nor its creator

I love all Star Wars movies and tv series but do acknowledge everything has its flaws


I agree with 90% of that. I find my disappointment with a certain Star Wars movie difficult to overcome enough to “love it,” but I share your overall view.

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The Prince of Egypt is hands down my favorite movie of all time. For me, no other movie (be it live-action or animated) has ever come more close to perfection then this one.


I don’t like Star Wars. The best one is the ninth one and it’s still solidly mediocre.

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I too dislike Star wars


:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

slightly redemptive but I still hate you

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Brave was a great movie, and Soul was mediocre

I knew it was unpopular. =P

I wouldn’t call it great myself, but I didn’t think it was bad, really. I like giant bears.

May Moff Ghideon steal your kneecaps…


I like Star Wars as a series (overall) but I wouldn’t call myself a big fan of it. Mostly because I don’t buy any of the toys or merchandise associated with it.

Neither do I really though a lot of my collection is based on transforming. Regular figures I’m not too into other then maybe marvel.I do own a ep 5 milenium falcon and slave one with relevant figures though.

Oh, I have a few of these unpopular opinions:

  • the sequel trilogy of Star Wars is better than the prequel trilogy

  • Avengers Endgame should have been the final Marvel movie. I don’t see any reasons to continue this franchise form this point.

  • Christopher Nolan’s latest movie, Tenet, is awful. Moreover, it’s the worst film I’ve seen. (And I say all this as a big fan of this director’s other works)

  • I enjoy all Transformers movies by Michael Bay. Although I understand how awful, absurd and pointless they are, I can’t help but like them

  • Not sure how controversial this is, but I think that Transformers Prime is the best Transformers show by far, Animated is a close second



This though is very true

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