Well Little Johnny

Well Little Johnny, you are a dragon, but you have all that skin covering you…

But, my friend had this issue…

I’m scared. Maybe I should just say Happy Holidays.

Well 'lil Jonni, you should’ve voted for Good Guy.

How do I work this?

Apply blunt kinetic force Little Johnny.

Is there a way for me to vote illegally as a minor?

No you too young for voting for anyone.

Is @keiththelegokid a Agent of HYDRA?

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He says he’s going to change that [Avatar] to something less controversial.

So what can I do when people do unfair stuff like banning the word Christmas?

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lil jonny
shank em

how the hell is christmas already in 2 days


Well little boy, first no used bad words, and second time flies with Christmas coming this Sunday. HO! HO! HO!

Why The Autobot Brawn married The G.I.Joe Member Cover Girl?


Little Johnny, I think you’ve been reading far too many Internet articles. Maybe you should read something else…I hear those Bionicle books are good…

Why is the sky purple?

Well little Johnny, it’s because if those sunglasses you’re wearing

How do I tell my right from my left

Well, Little Johnny if you hold up your fingers in the shape of a L your left hand will be the one that isn’t backwards.

Would people hurt me if I started talking like Jar Jar Binks?:blush: You know because the Prequels are the bestest movies ever!:smiley: I didn’t even bother with the “Original Trilogy”:expressionless:. I heard it had the worstest of editing issues…:unamused:

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I won’t even respect that with a proper response. I’ll just leave this instead.

What would happen if Santa was kidnapped by martians?

A really crappy movie is made and is a MST3k waiting to happen.

Why were there rocks in my stocking/


Correction, it did happen. :relaxed:

What kind of rocks? If they’re black and leave a lot of black dust, then it means you’ve been bad, but if they’re clear and sparkly…


Well little Johnny… this is what happens when a question is both asked and answered in the same person breaking the chain of the game :stuck_out_tongue:

Though yeah - answer a question and ask a new question is the point of the game :wink:

How can i best celebrate the holidays?

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By staying upstairs until we’re finished.

Why didn’t santa bring me what I wanted for X-mas?

Because you don’t pronounce Christmas correctly…Sorry Little Johnny…

I found a little furry Mogwai. Should I keep it?

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Well Johnny you don’t feel it at Midnight.

Is Die Hard the best Christmas movie?

Yes, but you’re not watching it.

Why is little Timmy so mean to me?

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Well some people are just mean. We call them bullies. Here have this case [https://yellowjacketcase.com] just push the button and shove it at him. That should work…

So what happens if I feel my Mogwai at midnight? Does his fur go all spiky?

Yes, and he kills you.

Can I go play card games on motorcycles with my friends?