Hello, brothers and sisters!
Thank you for viewing my entry!
Sorry, my art is just no has any specialic.
It doesn’t have a new-design mask.
It doesn’t have shining-rune at his armor.
But I really love the @KhingK’s MoC, and hope to it become a canon.
and my Word has only few power. so, I moved my Hand.
At drawing this, I decided art’s concept first.
“Contrast to his “brother”, Karzahni”.
this is already done, but I thinked I can different one and do that.
Artakha and canon-Karzahni have contrasting compositions.
karzahni’s canon-Art is a “overhead view”, depicted with his territory like a red hell.
In response to this, I drew “a viewpoint of looking up” and “Island Artakha as A blue ideal city” of Artakha’s Art.
I feel that Karzahni in Art is “always looking up”, which seems to represent his inner jealousy and hatred.
But Artakha is a victor, a creator who governs paradise, and a person who is proud of himself.
So I thought I should portray him as “looking down”.
by the way, I decided a concept about Artakha’s art-design like this:
- Don’t force the runes on the driven parts such as joints and cylinders.
- The rune must be acclimated with the appearance of his armor, as it were “natural” in itself to be present in his armor.
- To clarify the fact that he was a one of “Humanoid beings” created directly by Great Beings, add some similarities with the Great Spirit Robot to the extent that it does not compromise the original MOC.
- (example, his waist and arms)
About coloring of background, I inspirated by two Official art.
One has blue sky and great city, and other one has a purple square that has a Giant statue of Hau.
those is very contrasting to Island karzahni, and I really wanted to apper it in art.
【Thanks and shapeways】
The great design-mask is of cause made by @KhingK / Maskmaker!
We can downloaded the model here!
Really Thank you KhingK, and friend who viewed this!
I hope you like it, and good luck for all!