Now this set looks pretty cool. It’s like Power Rangers crossed with Ninjago.
Not sure if anyone else is into Gundam style builds, but this one is awesome. That price point of $48 is insane though.
Now this set looks pretty cool. It’s like Power Rangers crossed with Ninjago.
Not sure if anyone else is into Gundam style builds, but this one is awesome. That price point of $48 is insane though.
I actually really want these.
I hear you. I couldn’t resist and bought 2 of the mech bots. The prices are way too high for Ali, imo. But I’m a MOC addict, so I bought these anyway. They were $20 each, inc shipping.
It’s a shame these are bootlegs. Why doesn’t lego just hire them already!
How is the parts quality?
I didn’t get them yet. It takes like 2 months from AliExpress normally. Who knows how long during covid.
Huh. That seems a bit unusual for a bootleg.
has anyone noticed it uses the pre-2008 Y joint connector?
ot Factory
achuz Scout
I agree. Highway robbery I tells ya!
I found another type of hands on AliExpress. Although they aren’t as amazing as the ones from a couple years ago. But if you’re into mech builds (or even HF) these could work great.
In this situation, what I would do is copy what you posted above and put it in a new post along with the new stuff and that would work fine. Just remember to delete the first post
Finally got these sets in hand. Some are really great. Others are meh. Here are 4 of them.
Bass Drop
Those are bootlegs? It looks like you bought some mocs, as I didn’t know there was bootleg technic washers or exo force arms
I have a bootleg exo-force arm
Alright! After about 12 minutes of looking through google images I have found a few examples
I find the fact the that the minecraft spedorz to be a collector’s edition extremely funny.
“Warrior deform?”
More like deformed warriors
Found more
literally just protector of water without a stud shooter and a mata blue protector mask… one sec this one might actually be useful, well frickBehold my two new favorite hf characters
These are the things that always appear in my dreams on those rare occasions I actually dream about buying a Bionicle again.