BIONICLE 2015 Discussion Topic

Ya it is highly possible and thanks for some extra information. I was only 5 when I started collecting and last year started reading into the storyline. Thanks

Not a problem, ask any time if you need some story background!


Ok so i had a dream last night and i remembered what Lewas new mask reminds me of, it looks like a bitil mask mixed with an onua mistika mask

Title says it all XD

glad you figured that out wait I mean saw that

What I would like to know is this; what head type will they be using? Mata? Metru? Phantoka? Glatorian? HF? Or completely new?

Reports from SDCC say that the unmarked box mentioned in one of the recent TTV videos is the UCS Tumbler.

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This is a little bit random, but if you look at the gold Kanohi that Onua has, it looks like an upside down Ruru.

Darn it.

Hey Hunter. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suppose its too early to really do any speculation to the story? That Gif highlighting the mask of life is indeed mindblowing. Think they might be rebooting the series and bam straight into a quest for the mask of Life?

I just want some collectable kanohi.


I do too. So. Friggin. Much.

Posted a recent Recap Review in the eljay hate topic. Make it an official video. NOW.

Literally all I want is this

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Hey guys I found closer look of the 2015 BIONICLE sets, they look so amaaaaaaaaaazing :smiley:
Just look at them for yourself BIONICLE 2015 PICTURE "REAL" | Here a closer look at the set… | Flickr


I really don’t want to go through all of TTV 108 again, but I remember vaguely something about a dispenser? Like for spiders, or collectibles? Its probably in the ep, but did Highly_Suspect/Illuminati confirm this?


Let me share what has happened to me over the last two hours…

It all started when I was sitting at my desk, bored as can be, while I watched 2.4 TBs of data transfer from my iMac to my NAS. I decided this was not a good way of passing the time, so I took to Google to run through my regular searches. Star Wars 7, iPhone 6, '15 Mustang, you know, the usuals for me. On a whim, I typed in “Bionicle” hoping to find some nostalgia nuggets. And what do I find? BIONICLE IS COMING BACK!?

Since the days of my youth I have LOVED Bionicle! And now, the idea that it is coming back… It makes me happy! I’m also glad to have found the TTV podcast and this great community! I look forward to being a part of this community, and the camaraderie we will undoubtably share as we wait out hype-train together!


Hopefully this isn’t all we’re getting. Most likely, this is the winter wave, and in the summer we’ll have more villains, some titans, and maybe some turaga, matoran, and/or agori.

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I could take or leave the Kanohi aspect. Its fairly moot since they’re going to be masks or helmets or something regardless. I just really want new parts that function like the base HF shells but look different from them. Maybe something that wraps 360 around the bone piece and maybe some kind of cross breed between HF bone parts and old school Bionicle limb pieces.

And of course I don’t want the story to suck. If the story sucks I’m going to be so sad, but at the end of the day I’m still a die hard MOCer, so its all about the parts for me. I really wanna see what the elements look like after two or three years of the new system being bionicle oriented.

Also, does any of the TTV crew have any kind of ambassador privileges or any official ties to lego? Where are these images and information coming from?

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