BIONICLE 2015 Discussion Topic

They’re coming from Highly Suspect.


isn’t the name Highly Suspect outdated now as it’s no longer highly suspect and, in fact, confirmed?

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No, It’s Highly Illuminati C.I.A FBI AppLego 4chan Reddit Suspect.

That’s a codename though. Who’s this source? I understand you don’t want to incriminate anyone but where exactly are these pictures and info coming from, someone who works at lego, someone related? The photos lend proof but what about anything else coming from “Highly suspect” like info, why should we trust this mythical source of yours?

because the blaster on the official 2015 Wookiee set (revealed yesterday) is present on the Defender sets.
They’re not going to tell you anything about Highly Suspect because ANY information could get him/her in trouble, and that would be sad for someone who gave our small, pitiful fandom hope for the first time in 5 years.

I’m not asking for evidence on who this person is. I’m asking for credibility and why we should trust their information in the future.

Found these on Facebook on a Bionicle fan page. However, these look fake as Michael Jackson’s nose.


they’re as fake as the Golden Hau mask made of an actual carrot.


I dunno, that Gnuklear looks pretty legit. How can you not love that mustache piece? #mustacheconfirmed2015


Ignore that.^


ignore what? I don’t see anything.

Gnuklear=Skakdi fusion??? Or just a dumb hoax

just a dumb hoax. plus, if that was real we wouldn’t be getting Onua the Landlord.

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Unfortunately, in order to give you the credibility you desire, we would have to release some details about the person. Perhaps not their identity, but their profession and their connections to Lego. It could all potentially trace back to them in some way, and due to the large amounts of attention this whole endeavor has gotten, we’re not going to do it.

I know it sucks, and of course our inability to substantiate these peoples’ claims may lend some people to distrust us. That’s all well and good; we shall be vindicated in several months time. Just know that Highly Suspect is not a singular person; it’s multiple people, some with more direct ties to Lego, and some whose connections are a bit more roundabout. These people have proved themselves to us time and time again, and we place our faith in them. Hopefully people can place their faith in us in return.



I don’t need their Omega Tahu’s, I’ll just stick to my Nuva Sentinals. Too bad the display case was a bust. Though if Lego really intends to return Bionicle, wouldn’t it only make sense that they show for it at a big event? I am very interested on how they want to play this off. Very vexing.

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If it isn’t shown at SDCC, I suspect it will be at NYCC.

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Thanks Meso. That was more of an answer than I got on Eurobricks when the whole Chima thing was going around. I’m happy with this explanation. Knowing that Highly Suspect is your sources in general is good enough for me.

After the Chima thing and the rumors coming from BZP. I’m very skeptical and (ironically enough) suspect of these sources of information. You guys are thorough, and that’s what I like about the TTV crew. Thanks again for putting my suspicions to rest.


Hmm, it is definitly possible. In general history I guess leaks would arrive at this time. However this return would be a special case and thus needs a larger return in my opinion. I feel as though NYCC seems a bit less exciting than San Diego. I’ve been mostly staying off the hype train, but this whole situation is very vexing as I have never experienced such an exciting phenominom in which I can contain myself.

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Terminator 2 music plays

I suspect that tomorrow/today’s panel will focus mainly on Bionicle, at the very least having official pictures of the sets.