BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I like keeping my hopes up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: BIONICLE The Journey to One Speculation

Jang reviews potatoes?!!?!

this is news to me.


I posted a link a few mins ago

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I’d love to see the shade of white thok was in 2006 used on kopaka one day. The teal from 2001 I’d really want to see in the summer sets and also bone and armour pieces in the trans orange jaller inika was

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Im not really, most shows ether get additional support or they dont, it depends on the initial support during the pilot episodes frew viewership (aka show me the money). But they always have a backup script ready if they get 20 or so episodes available, it helps with the timetable. If they dont have a longer script ready and it does prove succesful, then it just proves that LEGO has little confidence in Bionicle as a theme and franchise.

Ew. no. That shade was ugly and would make MOCing a pain, no, just…no.

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It was a rare colour though and was rare to see for a white set and might help g2 look darker/edgier

What happened to thy turquoise colour of them Tarakava, that colour was the bomb!


I’d really want to see lego bring that colour back one day and see it used for shells, bones and masks or maybe even as a torso bone

It was pointless, and I dont think it would come back. seeing as how much it would hurt MOCing.

That color was good, but not a needless, ugly, random, off shade.

Why? it would just hurt MOCing and cause needless issues.

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What’s so bad about teal huh man?

Its perfect for a Beast set, and/or a Vehicle.


Nothing is bad with the teal, but Thok white is a different story.


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Why would G2 need to be edgier? Just look at the boxes! They have enough edges already!


I want g2 to be funnier and more vibrant, but thok white would be very unconventional for kopaka to have and would just be so …cool

I kinda like that idea.

Well, yeah, it was ugly if you used it with regular white, same way the new blue looks bad with Mata blue. This in no way makes either a bad color.

Also, teal is never coming back, people. Lego decided that long ago.


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Guys, as much as I agree or disagree with your opinoons this is getting really off topic, the netflix show topic is there if you want to keep discussing about how horrible adventure time style (or how cool) it would look. And as for wishing the colors return it isnt the correct topic.

Sorry for being a killjoy (not sorry)

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Dont let your dream just be dreams.

Just DO IT LEGO, bring back old colours. You did it with Purple.


There is a dog like creature in the graphic novel preview, pohatu was petting them, It would have been better than ketar