BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Aw, man, Kopaka with Gali… I guess I’ll make my own Toa of Seaweed…


Here’s a quick mock up of UtD that I made.
Everything is accurate except the claws on his feet, the upper arm armor, the colors, his horns and a few pieces on his back.

Feel free to ask questions or for more pictures


Height comparison with a G2 set?


How tall next to a uniter?

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I don’t have a uniter sorry :disappointed:

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Well that’s dissapointing

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Those gaps… Ugh, I’m definitely going to have to fix those once I get my Destroyer

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There not to bad in person

I don’t like the sets having gaps, if that happens to one of my mocs I scream and slam it to the floor, I think that they should have learned that the fans don’t like gaps

alright, I don’t slam it to the floor, but I want to

I hope that was a joke

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Surely you have to start the whole MOC again then, no?

If you’ve seen my MOCs, mine are covered in gaps, despite me hating them in sets :slight_smile:

@Rac good, at least he’s a decent height. Thanks

His head is about at the tip of UtH’s antlers, if I’m measuring right.

does someone remember how many pieces UtD had?

191 I think

In a normal pose he is about 26cm or around 10 inches

Am I the only one who sees UtD and hears in their head “Oo Tee Dee?”

Oh no, that is waayyyy too gappy. I won’t mod the set too much but that is just…no

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what it lacks in fullness it gains in ultimate badassness

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