BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Kopagali isn’t terrible. However from the shoulders up it’s a weird technic nightmare. The coloring on him is absolutely off the wall, I’d pretty sure it could have been executed much better. That weapon, though. Extremely snazzy.

Tahupotu is not as messy, if I’m perfectly honest. He’s much less cohesive than the other combo model. I mean, his feet are filled in, his body for the most part looks cohesive, and the weapon is kinda cool. Not so sure about that torso shield… thing.


Since when was Tahu forgetful?

And Pohatu has yet to demonstrate his fear of the dark in canon

Combination between Lava, Storm, Quake, (and UTD?) confirmed


I think when they said “forgetful” they were talking about his need to rush into battle and his constant lack of observation of his surroundings.

The best example I can give of this is each time Tahu triggered a trap in the animations. First it was stepping on a switch which closed the gate to the Ancient City and woke the Skull Warriors, and the second time was when he stepped on a bone and alerted the Skull Scorpios after confidently saying “There’s no stopping us now!”

[quote=“Rockho, post:21873, topic:15529”]
And Pohatu has yet to demonstrate his fear of the dark in canon
[/quote] That doesn’t matter at all his bio says he’s afraid of the dark. If it says that’s one of his flaws, then it is. You can’t just like, pick and choose what you want to consider canon.


does anyone want anymore photos of UtD? because I’m gonna take him apart soon so I can make SB

Seing these combiners, I remember the rahi combiners of G1. Yeah, not all of them looked perfect, but they certainly fleshed out the Bionicle world.
It’s a shame this hasn’t been done for G2 as well.

I really want to see other rahi too, it’s as if Okoto doesn’t have any wildlife. Apparently, the villagers are strictly farmers.

Well we have seen villagers fishing in the legend, although maybe it was just for seaweed :stuck_out_tongue:

@Umarak The really question is: Why are Korgot’s feet so big?

@Invader39 I knew that someone would ask and it’s because I’m using most if my protector feet and I can’t find the rest. But that is getting a little of topic.
So out of storm beast and quake breast which one do you you want me to try and make next?

@Umarak quake beast, let the horribad build commence! I want to see some pictures where he’s pose better than at the toyfair those poses weren’t natural

It will probably look worse than the one the toyfair cause I don’t have all the pieces but I should be able to make the torso and function, then I’ll try and post a video of the function

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You mean Okotans right? I’m praying for next year to have Rahi like small sets. I REALLY want them


Built the tahu/pohatu combiner tonight and it’s surprisingly pretty awesome. The only change I made was adding a technic spacer to the construction of the shield. I really love the torso and shoulder build. The armor placement isn’t the greatest but over-all, I really love it. The sword is pretty epic and I love all the flame embellishments on his arms and back. The loose armor on the back isn’t the greatest, but it looks reaaally awesome.

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Does anyone have any questions about how the any summer sets are built?

Ummmm the current small sets are rahi?

Yeah, but they’re not regular animals, they are embodiments of elements. I just want a G2 Mahi.


Am I the only person who’s really disappointed with Umarak TD? Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good set, but…idk, he just lacks the uniqueness that his Hunter form had. Plus, he’s not even that much bigger. :confused:

People seem to be praising this set, but I just don’t think he’s that impressive.

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I won’t say he’s bad, save his gaps, it’s just that he seems very, very… droopy.

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I feel like TuToa Tahu looks like a gundam and Kopaka looks like a hunter from Bloodbourne or a steampunk monster hunter of sorts. Why no love for Onua and Lewa? That’s what annoyed me about 2015’s Toa combiners was that there was only two and left out some of the Toa.