BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Skull Spiders
Rock Dog things from GN
“Cliff Vultures” from RoSS
“Gorge Snake” from RoSS

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Ok, let me rephrase, I want to see other rahi sets, I totally forgot about those because I have not read RoSS or the Graphic Novel.

Here is a mock up of quake beast that I made out of stuff I have on hand. Most of it is accurate apart from some of the colors.

Now that I have been messing around with him I have to say that he is now one of my favorite summer sets and I reckon i’m gonna buy him. Even though he doesn’t look the best he still has a fun build and a certain charm to him.
His functions (which include moving the lever on his back to swing his right arm with a fair amount of force and the ability to spin the bohrok eyes on his crystal fist) are very cool and even though the arm swinging action could have been implemented better it just adds to his personality IMO.
Overall I think quake beast is a good set.

@White_Rainbow fight me


So I built the Kopaka/Gali combiner…I love that scissor function! I wonder whether that is the function Lava Beast is going to have…if it is…I think I’m definitely buying him first.


Fite! Fite! Fite! Fite! Fite!
@Umarak good to know… I may get him now.


Hmmf like it all you want I still hate it, specially the colors, they are terrible.

Still a nice parts pack that I will use for mocing.


Well I guess that’s just opinion, your opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

they knew how to do better functions back in 2002, and the sets looked better. QB was cool on the leaks, then it got worse and worse the color scheme was ruined for me when I saw that his mask was solid purple


Well you do make a good point but unfortunatly things change and I’m sure lego has their reasons so I’m standing by my opinion

what the ?. . .

were did you get these from ??

oh i don’t know, maybe at the link attached to the post? :v


twitter . .ok

I agree with you somewhat about UtD. I definitely think he’s not as unique as UtH–I’m particularly miffed by the fact that he uses trans neon-green rather than trans apple-green. I know that ties him to the toxic slime that seems to be important this summer, but it eliminates most of his resemblance to UtH.

However, I do like the claws, and based on other peoples’ MOC-ups, he seems to be anywhere from one to two heads taller than UtH, which is quite large for a CCBS set!

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Check again.

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Anyone looking for a gearbox and waist function aligned with the arms? Look no further.


Dang nice work!

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Thanks. :smile:

Hm, reminds me a lot of Leewan’s design. Though the longer beams allow arm locking. Nice work.

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It looks very compact. I like it

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Thanks for the input. I made a more “official” version which would be sturdy enough for an actual set. Sadly, it doesn’t quite align with the arms, but like I said, it’s much sturdier. Click the link in the qoute.

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