BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Wait, what are these twotoa everyone is talking about?

See here for the glorious (or awful, take your pick) answer…

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Nothing for lewa and onua?

Probably not…Tahu and Kopaka are the two main Toa

I don’t know who made this, Ill make some research

someone did, I can’t remember his name, is a little bit up


No one has attempted TwoToa Tahu yet?

someone here already did. And someone else did it too.

Imo these are meh combos, the Kopaka and Gali one is nice though, the weapon looks good and works well, but Tahu’s is odd and the colors look meh combined.

Anyway these combos make me quite confident the beasts will be able to combine and who knows… Maybe my Ekimurak theory will be correct…


I still waiting for this

does the MoCr allow you to put horns on it?



Never skip leg day

But overall, looks great

@White_Rainbow It stills looks great, congrats :+1: nice work


I made it though…

Anyway I still think Ekimu and Umarak will merge together by the end of 2016. Not sure of the purpose but I kinda expect it.


he meant Akamai I believe

Hey everyone! I was silently reading the boards since a long time because I felt I had nothing to say at all. But I just had the luck to watch JTO… (Can I talk about it here, can’t I? It’s still 2016 matter)

All and all, it is good. Akida, Ikir and especially Uxar are the cutest things in the world. Pohatu is not G1 Kopaka, he’s dumb. Lewa is the best written of the Toa imo, he feels actually like LEWA. Gali, Onua and Kopaka are well-done too. Tahu… it’s like a Lewa with slightly more seriousness and leader’s determination in him? He didn’t feel this way last year but it’s ok. Ekimu does his job.

Umarak… WOW. A bad guy who can teleport in the shadows but it’s weak under the sunlight? I might be obsessed, but while being KingdomHearts-like, I think it’s creative.

Overall the show surely had a lighter tone but it never felt childish… except the very last part where Umarak has zero reaction to Makuta’s betrayal.

P.S. : Makuta’s speeches are repetitive
7.8/10 IGN - Too much “You are my minion”

[quote=“Apophyx, post:21926, topic:15529, full:true”]
Well, it would’ve been hard to show Umarak’s reaction with a shadow… I mean, he realizes only when he has fallen to the ground, mutating into the Destroyer.
[/quote] The fact is it seems like he’s taking away his mask at his own will. He didn’t feel controlled at all.

[quote=“Apophyx, post:21926, topic:15529”]
He did. He was tricked into doing it.
[/quote] Oh well, now that’s clear.


Why would you do such a thing?!


Why not? Very slight decoration.

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Covering up unsightly holes, I assume.
Although it’s purple so it does look kinda dumb…


When did uncapped axles and technic holes become bad? I really don’t mind them.

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The BIONICLE community happened.

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I’m pretty sure that’s for kids in order to tell them which side to put the ammo packet