BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

But its on tahu as well


They planned to put a slope lego piece there to fill in the back, but budget said no. Same with Tahu Uniter (a la Budget Conspiracy).


Wait really?

@Umarak could you post pictures of QB’s back whenever you have time? I have some mod ideas and I need to make sure they work

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Of course :grinning: , here’s some pics that show how the back is constructed @Mayple .

Hope this helps
Also @White_Rainbow do you want me to post some pics of a complete mock up of Storm Beast


Darn, I didn’t read correctly… Sure! One question, is SB’s function loose or floppy?


A bit of both, but you can get it to stay in a pose if your careful.
Here you go

Enjoy :grinning:


Thank you so much! Yes… this will do nicely…


There is no other reason why they would.

Could you do a MOC up of LB?

So does any one know what happened to the recent reviews? They haven’t done one in a month and Onua+Terak, Kopaka and Melum along with Umarak still haven’t been reviewed.

Im posting this hear bcause its sort of reliant to 2016 and I could find a recent reviews topic.

No, it’s likely so that if a builder has put the smaller sized bone in the wrong place, this will let them know so they don’t end up with a wrongly built set.

I think it’s a stop, so the leg doesn’t bend too far back.

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I don’t think so because lego have done this on other places like skull warrior’s torso. I’m pretty sure it’s to help younger builders distinguish what goes where.

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The weird thing is though is that it tells you to put the pin in the leg after you build the ammo clip and put it on.

The bone bends back the same amount no matter what and in this case the armor piece on the upper leg prevents it from going to far.

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Wasn’t that for the combiner? Plus that was so last year. /s

It works on tahu, who has it on both legs.

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Nope, I just checked the combiner instructions and that piece wasn’t used at all in it.
They also use half pins on UtD’s feet so the younger kids don’t connect the protector feet to the beast feet the wrong way

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I just got Gali and it’s great! I only wish the arms had a little more movement.

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They did it on LOSS too, but there was no reason what so ever for it, it was just there. It could only have been to help with the build process.