BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

"United, but not one."

Could this imply that the Toa can be united, but not have to share the same element of an Elemental Creature to unite?

United (in Unity), but not one (specific power over an element).”

Whereas the Mask of Ultimate Power has all six elements forged into one mask (implying it has control over the six elements), the power of two elements are in two masks, which can be united in Unity form.

For example, Kopaka could combine with (let’s just say) Akida and have control over another element. The Uniter Mask would hold the power of Ice, and Akida’s Creature Mask would hold the power of Water, balancing the Elemental Powers.

Just a thought…


That’s the most appealing pile of mess I’ve seen in my life


If you take away the torso shield and sword the thing looks decent, I’m just waiting til we see a lewa and onua combiner


Has anyone noticed how these combiners…actually make the characters (Tahu, Kopaka) look like their 2015 selves? Like Kopaka gets the giant pauldrons back and then some with the white Melum paw behind his head, his calves are bulky again, his upper thighs use that large shell, but rather than having white, it’s metru blue, the arms are also designed in the way his '15 arms were designed. Similarly, Tahu kinda gets his gundam-style swords back…though they look terrible this time around, the bell-bottom look is reversed on his lower legs, the upper thigh armour has returned to the way it was placed in '15 Tahu, the arms are very similar to his '15 incarnation…but obviously the weapons are not at all for both figures alike to their '15 counterparts…although I’d argue maybe Kopaka’s are more like his '15 version weapons. Interesting to see this though, perhaps it means we might be returning to those set designs next year with some different looks? Or likely it’s just for these models that we get this.

Also I cannot stress how much I adore that scissor blade thing. It’s fantastic.

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Not a fan of the combiners, seeing further images of them just makes the odd colour schemes and strange additions seem more confusing. Such as giving Kopaka a monocle for no reason.

That not actually possible currently, mostly because we don’t have the middle ribcage piece in gold (as far as i am aware) Other than that its probably possible to replicate that to an extent, though it would require sacrificing a Mask Of Control and a Mask Of Creation and wouldn’t be exact.

Feel you are taking things too physically rather than metaphorically. Uniting doesn’t have to be a physical joining between the two That was the point of Journey To One with Pohatu where he realised that physical uniting was not what was needed, but a bond between friends

The ‘United, but not one’ line likely refers to the following;

Mask Of Ultimate Power didn’t work because it was ‘one’ trying to use the powers of all six elements.

The Toa meanwhile can work as six individuals each using one of the powers allowing them full control over it, and then combine their powers. In essence the following scene (Time stamped for ease of use)

Essentially the line is telling of the arrival of the Toa, 6 heroes that will be able to unite the elements by the EACH controlling only one element, yet working together. It is most likely how they will defeat Makuta when they eventually face him, together, using the power of unity.

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You want to know why the half pin is there?

To increase the piece count.

That’s why.


I think the twotoa are really cool, I can’t build either of them because I don’t have tahu or gali so that sucks. But I don’t understand why people don’t like them and feel more reasoning should be expressed.


"The pins are part of the building flow. :slight_smile: Just like the pins behind the legs. "

-John Ho’s Flickr

I know it is too early to speak about this but I kind of have the feeling that Lego is saving ideas for a real big deal for 2017 guys.


not sure if anyone has mentioned this before but in the 2nd designer video for bionicle 2016 that was released Feburary 20th, the designer states that the hunter mask is the G2 equivilant of the krakahn as it gives the user the ability to control shadows


Summer 2016 theory.
UtD captures all the creatures and brings them to Makuta.
Makuta starts draining their power and putting it into the discarded Hunter mask, hoping to make a new MoUP that will awaken him.
Plan works, but Ekimu steals it and destroys it in the volcano while being chased by Umarak before it can fully awaken Makuta.
Enraged, Makuta turns Umarak’s body into his own, setting up for 2017.


Inb4 @Eljay starts throwing the small grey pins in with the red axles and blue pins in his reviews

All this “why is the pin there” discussion seems odd, didn’t we stablish it was there for younger kids to tell the difference between the trans orange bones cause it is the first time we have gotten them?

Idk they could also be used for the twotoa (dumbest name ever) but they are most likely there to help small kids during the build


Do you guys think that the toa will still have their creatures and 2016 forms in the battle with makuta, new forms for them and the creatures, or just new forms without the creatures?

Your spoiler thingy isn’t working

Wait a sec guys, JTO is out and stuff but… HOW DID THE MASTERS BECAME UNITERS??? I’M STILL WONDERING.

Someone (can’t remember who) here theorized the Toa completely fusing with the Creatures creating the 2017 form. I kind of like the idea, but I don’t think that’s going to be the case. I think that Creatures are going to be “freed” after UtD’s overthrow.

P.S. : I want an Anti-Toa team for Winter Wave in 2017 or I’m going to kill some…thing.

I know we are only three months into 2016, but is anyone else wondering if we are going to get more than just the Mask Of Creation polybag (that seems to be Russian exclusive) I mean, i understand that Bionicle is getting less of a focus (Ninjago and Nexo Knights both have comics with free figures and things) however I’d still likely to see a collectable mask for this year that is distributed.

Did you see the prologue? =s

Essentially the 2015 storyline happened and Ekimu made them new and armour (presumably knowing they would unite with the creatures) Its not particularly explained whether the new armour gives them the ability to unite or whether it is simply an ability they had before but didn’t access.

Aspects such as Onua going from wide to thin are also not really explained, unless he just had massive armour over a tiny body (fan-art please? :P)

2017 had better be really awesome, otherwise G2 is going to come off as ‘ok/good’ but not great. The sets have been hit and miss so far and I’m growing concerned about what they are planning to do in terms of a Makuta set.

Umarak the Destroyer is the only prior set that can really be classed as a ‘Titan’ - Kulta and Umarak were more along the lines of large Toa-sized sets at best. Makuta being the ‘big bad’ likely needs to appears as a bigger and more imposing set than Umarak The Destroyer and while that is possible to do - its going to be interesting to see how Lego accomplish it.

This is what I’m expecting in 2017, possibly without the Mask of Time half being included due to the idea of potentially using that in later years to advance the story after 2017. In terms of size he’d need to be bigger than Umarak The Destroyer in my view, otherwise he’ll feel inferior. Either that or make him look more imposing or dangerous with unique pieces. Kind of thinking along the lines of Black Phantom mixed with his Legends Of Metru Nui form (Mostly from my desire for CCBS wings)

Imagine that with Ekimu + Makuta as a combo

I’d find this a little disappointing, as that would imply that G2 Makuta wouldn’t really have a form of his own… at least not for the end of 2016 and the start of 2017. I’d rather see Makuta in a unique form for the entirety of his wave, thus separating him from the villains beforehand.

The way i saw things was that Eljay criticised those pieces because not only did they break the colour scheme, but there was also alternatives that did not break the colour scheme yet they chose to use the other pins. As far as i am aware we do not currently have a small black pin to use instead of the small grey pins.

Honestly the grey pins are not the piece stealers, the stud launchers are, which include 2 pieces for the launcher, 6 pieces of studs and another 6 replacement studs. Though those are also justified. Personally i don’t think the grey pins actually detract from the builds and in fact cover up some of the holes in the CCBS bone pieces that occasionally can be viewed from certain angles. While they may not be the right colour, they do serve a good purpose and by using a 1 x 2 tile piece you can cover the back of the balljoint.

Mentioned this before, however I feel the creatures will either randomly disappear OR sacrifice themselves to empower Ekimu OR fully merge with the Toa making them a single being (Though this would go against the idea of Unity being more than just combining.

I’d hope that with 2017 we’d actually have evil protector/creature-sized sets to balance things out a bit better. Maybe have varying creatures of evil inspired by the G1 sets, one inspired by a Rahkshi using the waist swivel, another inspired by the Bohrok using a gearbox, etc…

Sorry about that, fixed it.


They literally say in The first episode Ekimu made them their new armor.

Anyway while many theories about the new corrupted masks that come woth the beasts make sense (sign of mind control, corrupting etc) I’m still wondering if the Umarak trans neon mask has any story relevance. I think it’s just there for colectible.

Anyway I hope we get some beast combiners and again, the Ekimurak combiner. Even if they don’t make actual instructions I will try and do one when I get the sets.


Just a friendly reminder guys,

This is the Bionicle 2016 Discussion Topic. This topic is for discussing stuff that happens/is happening in 2016. Anything beyond that is off-topic, and as our glorious leader Eljay has decreed,

Thank you for your cooperation.