BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Guess it’s ranking time.

  1. Ekimu
    Yes, I ranked him first. I just like how well covered he is, and for what he is he’s not inherently terrible. The gearbox is sweet.

  2. UTD
    UTD is a great set IMO, but those 2 gaps infuriate me. I dunno if it’s me, but he seems… droopy? In my opinion, he’s almost as good as Ekimu though.

  3. LB
    The dude’s playing it safe. Really safe. That might be a bad thing, but nothing beats his sick wrist scissors. He would run with them, but he’s got garbage legs.

  4. SB
    I wonder how many people are going to kill me for putting this 4th. IMO the dude’s got trash arms and the back is less than satisfactory. Maybe some blue system bits would have helped.

  5. QB
    Now I love QB’s function, I tried it out, and it’s fun. The problem is everything else is so lazily made and slapped on.


Kill mode on! /s

I agree on everything you said, except LB is last. Ekimu is the best

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  1. LB
  2. SB
  3. UTD
  4. its a tie between Ekimu and QB

I don’t really want to rank them, I like them all. However, UtD will be the first one I get

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ha, skrub i get them all at once /s

if i were to rank them


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Quake beast was my number 2 until toyfare now my list goes

quite a change

Am I the only one who sees UtD and in their head hears Ooo tee dee?

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Please don’t kill me, everyone. :cry:

  1. Ekimu the Mask Maker
  2. Lava Beast
  3. Storm Beast
  4. Umarak the Destroyer
  5. Quake Beast

…I really don’t get why everyone loves Umarak TD. Could someone please explain their reasoning?


because he is big


I going with

  1. Ekimu
  2. UTD
  3. Lava Beast
  4. Skye Quake Beast
  5. Johnny Storm Beast

Right after I get of hold of
1.Lewa’s Bug
3.Gali’s Shark
5.Onua’s Mole/Lizard/Ape Thing
7.Pohatu’s Scorpion
8. Kopaka and his Rhino/Ape Fuzor

I do not love him as much as SB, this is mostly due to my overhype on him. The neck could have been able to extend but instead it’s just a super gapy neck connection.

Regardless I decided to give QB a try, I will buy him and build him correctly for a few mins. If he ends up being as terrible as I expect I’ll destroy him and use him for parts.

The thins is the build doesn’t bother me at all until it gets to the crank and right arm connection. The Mask is out of place, the pink is out of place, if you fixed all of these things you could have gotten a decent or even good QB

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Mine is

  1. Ekimu
  2. Lava Beast
  3. Storm Beast
  4. UTD
  5. Quake Beast

He looks like a monster a menacing villian unlike…ahem…other G2 villians (I’m talking to you Kulta)

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I don’t really like UmarakTD, I preffer UmarakTH, but I had to put him on the list


To be honest I’m not entirely sure why either.

I assume it’s because he’s the largest villian so far, which is something I greatly appreciate but aside from that there’s not a whole lot going on with him. Like LB he plays it pretty safe, and to be fair it works well.

Considering he’s only $25 I’m surprised they stretched so much out of that budget.


I know what you mean. It seems he doesn’t look nearly as impressive if he’s not posed well; the difference of how he looks in the different Toy Fair images is astounding.

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I’m gonna wait until I actually HAVE the summer sets before I judge them.


well that’s the problem, I can’t do that, I have to choose before I can get them because I can’t get all of them,


Just trying to keep the conversation going. Also, it’s kinda fun to look back and see how opinions have changed, for example, I was disappointed by Gali 2016 at first, but now I kinda love her.


Just so y’all know: set rankings were deemed off-topic in the past. Just saying.