BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Might wanna use spoiler tags for that…

Well we don’t know that for sure. @DarkHunterTalon True but we as the viewer didn’t know that

He couldn’t get out of those chains. Cursed Realm gets destroyed, he either goes down with it or comes out as a ghost and immediately touched water, teleporting him to the space where the Cursed Realm once was. If you wish to continue this further, we should make a new topic or PM.

Personally I find Ketar to be bad for the sole reason of just how he looks, period.

I can forgive you if I told you to make a scorpion and you made the function about the claws and not the tail. You just aren’t supposed to screw up the tail. On Ketar, it looks like a snapped twig. Looks awful.

Another thing is that Ketar’s mechanism is so clunky. I don’t mind one bit that it’s loose, because he’s supposed to make quick jabs, but how it’s executed is so poorly done in my opinion.

One such concept is that you wag his tail to to smack down his claws. Personally, I would have brought down his arms to snap his claws inward. Another problem is that it’s so boxy and not filled out. It’s strangely tall and makes Ketar look strangely warped and twisted. And… yeah, it looks like a box.

His colors are a mess and I hate them.


So apparently, we have a cover for the next Chapter Book–and you’ll never guess who’s on the cover.

He has returned.

/s :stuck_out_tongue: …Although, I do wonder why they keep using LOSS as a placeholder for every book cover.


Well, making one “placeholder” cover is easier than making a bunch…then you can be lazy and just change the number :stuck_out_tongue:



All hail the Lord of Skull Spiders!

he has so far survived:

  • the combined power of the elements
  • falling off a bridge a few hundred metres into a rocky ditch
  • being crushed by the collapsing ceiling of the city of the mask makers

Can nothing stop him?!


What happened to him in RoSS?

One of these guys


On the other hand one of them also designed UtH. So…they can be forgiven (whoever did it), though I think the hatred towards Ketar is more than he deserves

the protectors dropped the entire ceiling of a cave under the city of the maskmakers on him

Now that I’ve settled in to college I need to start getting back in to the community. I’ve been keeping up with what people on TY and twitter have talked about, but what’s been going around in this corner of the internet? Anything interesting been brought up about Bionicle lately?

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So much yes. I got the other day and he isn’t as bad as people say he is.

i 100% agree bring back mata colour scheme
mata brown
mata tan
and black
are the only colors you really need, this includes for the head

[quote=“LQ1998, post:22359, topic:15529”]
brought up about Bionicle lately?
[/quote]Well JTO has been going around and umurak feels like skeletor
so there is that

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Yeah I heard a lot about JTO on twitter, and I watched it myself as well. Guess I haven’t missed too much then :P.

Summer set boxarts. Umarak the Destroyer is epic. Gappy, but epic. Ekimu is kinda eh, pretty much just a uniter build BUT WITH BOTH GEARBOXES HOLY COW!!!1!!!11!!! Lava Beast is okay, Storm Beast is great, and Quaker Beast is terribad.

I blame all of them since they allowed Ketar to exist in the manner it does. They did not stop each other in the release of the awful awful creature of stone.


Yeah I’m not to fond of the summer sets myself, just like the skull villains last year. I really feel like LEGO needs to work harder on the Bionicle summer waves. While I have collected both winter waves 100% now, I got one skull villain and will probably only get Umarak the Destroyer and maybe Ekimu of this wave. I want to support Bionicle… but I just have not enjoyed these summer waves near as much as the winter waves.

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Get Storm Beast. He’s great, the other beasts are worse.

He’s currently on my not to buy list. I’ve already spent $180 on this year’s sets alone. I’m not going to get any of the beasts because they’re just not good enough to be worth more money.