BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Yeah, I thought of the tattoos as more carvings on their armor and mask. I also like to think Okoto is it’s own culture, like an amalgamation of different cultures into one.


Just make a central idea to base your MOC off of. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking or anything. Heck, make a villager version of yourself, do whatever inspires YOU.

My Makuta MOC up there came from the central idea of combining the basic 2006-2007 Titan blue print with CCBS to bridge both and see what I could do. It’s not a good MOC, hey, I look at it and continuously see mediocrity, but I still had fun building it, and I still love to look at it. You don’t have to be good at something to enjoy doing it or to continue doing it. Let your imagination run free! :slight_smile:


Okoto to me is an amalgamation of different cultures all originating from one culture (City of the Mask Makers, Egyptian styled one), but because of the large passage of time and contrasting living conditions, the cultures deviated from the main one and now each part of the island has its own unique culture because of those extremes of the landscape needed them to change with it as well, which ultimately changed some aspects of their culture.

Only very old places, like the temples, still retain some vestiges of the old main culture. other than that, the new ones are not so similar.

Yup, I get where you’re coming from, but honestly seeing a “perfected” set makes me happier than seeing something custom. It just gives me this feeling of “Ha. Up yours LEGO.”

I see mocs that revamp sets to be less “better than Lego” and more"I will finish what Lego started", like the sets were templates that we can build on.

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I revamped Kulta and Slicer a while ago…after 3 days I had to change them back.
my precious, it must remain pure!


Because I cracked, I made Scorpio’s legs posable and built his tail so it would be shut when not in use.

I think I know what you’re talking about, I’ve found that mod to fix the entire tail section. It keeps the function but also improves the look, and it’s simpler. No idea why Lego didn’t do that on the set when they basically used it on the Kulta combo.

Yep. That’s the one.

I think it was Logan McOwen’s design.

You think they’ll bring back roller skates? It would be funny for Umarak the Destroyer to appear and fight the Toa on skates. The reason I bring this up is because I reminded myself of a ccbs Umbra design he also made.

You see, normally I’d agree with you, but some of these sets leave much to be desired in the areas of color scheme and design.

On a side note, I think my mod to kopaka is pretty good.

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Guys, New Years Wave starts in 4 Hours. Get your hype on! I can feel the 2016 sets/story ever so closer now.


the site will be updated ! YAY

What I find concerning is that LEGO had listed the sets as “Coming soon 31 Dec 2015” or something like that, and now it just says “Coming soon”! :-S (This is for Europe)


For me it says January 01 now. Guess when I celebrate new years I’ll really be celebrating the release of BIONICLE 2016


(P.S. Can I can feel the power be the over 9000 of bionicle?)

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Yeah it’s strange.Hopefully it just means they could be out any time today.

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I was going to go to a couple of shops today, but I phoned both Toys r us and Smyths toys, (both UK) and they said they don’t get the sets in till January 11…


I did that last year, they said the same thing. Then I was phoned back and they said they were never going to stock them, then I was phoned back again and they said they were going to stock them in a few months. Go to a LEGO store, they should have them by now.

coming soon, you wot m8?

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happy new year !


Happy New Year Everyone!

YES!! JANGGRICKS has uploaded his first Bionicle review video!!

EDIT: Sorry guys, he removed it, I wonder why… Anyway it was Pohatu with Ketar.