BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Wow, how come? Lego is the most (looks at bionicle G1 brutal deads) err…

A family company!

becuz has de evil pepl


it’s a line from the old commercials.

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Kopaka and Melum Unity is One set and sold separately from the others.

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You didn’t get it.

K bruh xd

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Lewa and Uxar. Then when you get Umarak (If you get him) you’d have a really good combo model for both Lewa/Uxar and Umarak/Uxar.

Also it works out cheaper to get Umarak than Kopaka And Melum… so you save a little towards you next purchase :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh trust me, Umarak is a must.

and Lewa looks really nice, and Uxar is my favorite creature.



I dunno. If your going for unity model, get lewa. I have Kopaka and to be honest his unity STINKS. I would even say I like pohatu’s more. At least he gets something. Kopaka gets nothing. Then again kopaka is nice on his own. But yeah get Umarak. He’s really good. :grinning:

Excuse me? Kopaka’s unity does not stink! It’s not the best but it’s not as bad as Umarak+Terak, that one is awful. I like Kopaka’s unity and yes I do actually have Kopaka.


Just sayin.

I have to wait a month to get any new sets
Curse you dinkleburg


Kopaka is garbage -1/10
I actually really like Melum and Kopaka, but the unity is underwhelming given that most other unitys arr still able to use the function (uxar, akida) and I don’t think these one adds anything else other than color, same goes for terak


JANGBRiCKS demonstrated a simple way to lock the mechanism in his review of Ketar, for whatever that’s worth.


Alright it doesn’t stink but he doesn’t get wings, weapons, or stuff like that. On the other toa they look more combined but with kopaka it just looks like he’s giving melum a piggyback. It also blocks his waist gear function. Or is that with all the creatures?

It’s like that with Onua as well. It looks like he’s giving Terak a piggy back.


Really? That sucks. Makes sense though. Terak is virtually the same as Melum. Oh well, its not that bad.

The whole point of the Toa unifying with the creatures is so that their golden masks are complete and they become more “powerful” elementally. The additional functions are all just a side plus. Kopaka also gets some pretty cool pauldrons, as does Onua.


Terak really isn’t the same as Melum. They both have different functions, different additional details (Terak has ears, spikes, Melum has less claws and a horn). The only part of Melum and Terak that makes them look the same is the fact they’re both Bipedal and have giant Chrystal claws. I admit they look the same, but they’re not the same. It’s like saying Alligator and Crocodiles are the same thing.


Imo I like Melum more than Terak, mainly because of the function, I just love the bashing function on Melum, only wished he had more trans blue.

The hug is strong with Melum

Yes!! The building instructions for the sets has been uploaded on!