BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I like to see it as their got their masks incomplete, even tho they are an upgrade of the golden 2015 masks. Because of the lack of magical and technical resources, plus the whole forge has not been used for 1000 of years, I like to believe that Ekimu lost a bit of his touch and made half the masks than they should have been. To compensate this, he tasks them to find elemental creatures, the sources of pure elemental energy, which will help them achieve their next level and potential.


Instead of Phoenix Tahu, I shall dub thee “Tanix” of Winstershire!

did anyone post this already?

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Like the day I built Onua Uniter and my cat was in a frisky mood…

Tahu: Hey guys, check out my new Creature. We’re best friends right Iki…-
Ikir: hysterical outrage
Tahu: … I need another Creature


Better post the source:

It seems the products page is still down.

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That is a thing of beauty.

On another note, I’m starting to warm up (huehue) to the new Tahu. He’s still too cluttered and has too much gold on him, but I don’t nearly hate him as much as I used to.


maybe making the hip narrower will help?

@BlueCel not sure if anyone posted this…

Also, you know what I love about Jang’s reviews? He gives you the Uniter combinations in BOTH creature and Toa reviews, unlike all the other reviewers (save for photobricksstudios…I think that’s what his channel is called). Also yeah, some of the photos taken of the Toa earlier on in December by reviewers, for me personally, were awful. It goes to show you, you can really know what a set it like once you have it in your hands. I am done for the year with Bionicle (unless the beasts are spectacular…I will continue to be skeptical until they come out) and officially have Ikir, Gali, Akida, Pohatu, Ketar, Kopaka, and Melum. The builds for all of these are very fun I found…very different from the builds of last year.

Ikir is fabulous. I think this might be the best creature of the wave…you can combined him with virtually every Toa/villain and have fun with them both, thanks to the wing function. I think he is better than Uxar, since the wings can be moved from one position to another thanks to hordika neck ball joints. Love the colours on him and I love his talons. Excellent design for a creature, this is a well-done set I have to say. I considered getting Tahu, but I felt the need to get K/M instead…so I won’t be getting Tahu. No phoenix Tahu for me. Also, shadow traps. I dislike them greatly. Useless enemies, it’s really difficult to open them up once you’ve closed them…I just don’t like them. It makes the K/M set much better for me that they have not been at all included.

Ketar is one awkward build. It’s interesting to see how he comes together…but he seems to be the weakest Creature to me…but even then, I think he’s super fun. The tail function is super addictive, and the colours on him are excellent. I’ve locked his function for the time being, as I’ve combined him with Pohatu. Ketar is decent by himself, but much better with Pohatu, I’ll get on him in a sec.

Akida is incredibly fun to build. I really enjoyed building it (he…she? I don’t know) and I find this set to be on par with Ikir. The function is simple, but its purpose is effective when combining with Gali. There’s not much else to say about Akida…it’s a fantastic little set that is even more worth getting with Gali.

Gali is my first Toa of '16 and I found her build to be interesting. I really love the cohesiveness of her colour scheme and that there are no red pins anywhere on her. Her mask is awesome and the golden one is even better with that beautiful trans dark blue shade. As shown in the pic, I think she and Ikir make a great duo together…and I find that to be surprising as Ikir and Pohatu did not feel the same. I haven’t tried Kopaka/Ikir yet. Gali is restricted in some of her movement, but I’ve grown to like her spear, the asymmetrical design is a plus too. Her combo with Akida is simple but extremely effective. In fact, it’s my favourite of the three. The only thing that stands in the way of her combo is moving Akida’s tail…which is a simple obstacle to overcome. When combined, these two are incredibly fun together. I love these two together soooo much. Only thing I don’t like about Gali are her eyes…they look dead to me often…however in her combo form, the dark blue in light helps to give her some life…probably would have been better to give her green or yellow eyes. But still, these two together are so worth getting.

Pohatu is extremely surprising for me. I knew I’d like him, but I didn’t know I’d love him. His neon green colours are excellent, I don’t mind the dark tan…in fact I would argue it helps balance his colours when he wears his beautiful golden mask. Pohatu is also a simple build, with a great weapon. By himself, I feel like he is the funnest of the Toa, because he’s the most posable (seriously…his shoulder construction is excellent)! With Ketar, I always lock the claws and it’s a bit tedious to wrap the legs around Pohatu in a good way. But when combined, I can’t help but love these two together. The scorpion tail in the back, the claws jutting out over his shoulders…they give a semblance of Tahu’s swords on the back from last year, which I was a big fan of. I think these two are great together and equally as great apart, except for the fact that Ketar is a bit floppy on Pohatu and you have to readjust the helmet to match his mask (which is also wonderful). Also, blue eyes on Pohatu? Please LEGO…keep them. He looks amazing with blue eyes.

K/M so Melum was an easy construction, very similar to Ikir if not exactly the same. I love his little hugging function, the colours are fine for me. I feel that Kopaka is actually better by himself…maybe it’s the white mask which I’m a huge fan of…but his combo version is good and I expected it to be that way. The weapons are excellent, the build was fun for both figures. I have to say though, of the three, Kopaka’s unity form is the most restrictive depending on how you position Melum’s paws. His shoulders are very posable because of that custom build, but in his Unity form…they’re not as free. I think the set is awesome for what it is though, regardless of the weaknesses the figures possess. Also, no shadow traps. I like this. I feel though that, getting anyone pair of these sets would have been sufficient for me. I can’t truly decide which is my ultimate favourite because they all have strengths in different areas. I love the unity idea and honestly it gives an incentive for children/parents/fans to buy the respective small sets along with the Toa, which is something I have a feeling was not as necessary with the Protectors last year…and that might have led to the protectors not selling well (but I’m not sure about this…also I thought the protectors were great sets). Honestly, which ever Toa you get from this wave, as long as you get their creatures, two sets are enough. It’s quite a good line.


I know the rules but the urge was too much, the situation is escalating and I wouldn’t be surprised if it begins to affect Lego’s trafficking even. Schengen is already crippled.

If it’s one module less wide the balljoints conflicts with the waist gear. The edit you proposed is not one full module. And I’d doubt them changing things anything less than one full module.

The option I proposed would be that the hip piece could be one module higher but that would make the whole thing one module taller then an only two modules shorter than the uniter torso, it seems like a waste to create two new molds to achieve just those two modules less… The one I made is three modules shorter than the uniter torso, it’s only one module shorter than the traditional CCBS torso.

Logan, could you look onto the matter and see if it’s possible to make Ekimu with an uniter gimmick and waist gear that is one or two modules shorter than the 2015 Pohatu?

maybe they dont even make him have a swivel fuction

I did.

The uniters have kind standardized waist articulation already
And Ekimu did have the gearbox so it’s rather possible they the trend to give him the toa’s main function but in a smaller package.


If anyone has them, Please do a unity of Ketar and Tahu. XP

No! Don’t humiliate the uniter of fire! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Tahu UoF looks like he fell in a bucket of golden paint

tahu’s color scheme doesnt look good, at all… atleast in my opinion.
well the colors are great, but he looks weird


he got in a fistfight with midas.


Or, y’know, it could be that BIONICLE G2 takes a lot of cues from ancient cultures. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, someone already posted it, and I already made my two bad jokes (although I think someone did laugh)

That is a preposterous, unbased, opinionated claim! XP