BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Ooops, looks like the jig is up! :stuck_out_tongue:

But naw, a lot of ancient South American cultures and even the Egyptians valued gold and used it A LOT in depicting heroic figures of stature and even gods. The Toa are great warriors, and thus Tahu having the gold he does symbolizes his stature as a demigod, considering the Toa are extremely tall heroes with power greater than the native inhabitants of Okoto. He’s pretty much like a lesser Ra or Apollo.


But, are the Toa tall, or are the protectors just short?

but he still looks ugly, ok, he is a god, but an ugly god.

I do.

I know things about other cultures, but that has nothing to do with him being ugly

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The protectors and the other inhabitants seem to be the average height of a living being rather than all of them being small. I think the Toa are as tall as they are to portray them as godly heroes.

[quote=“Asriel, post:6947, topic:15529, full:true”]
but he still looks ugly, ok, he is a god, but an ugly god.
[/quote]He’s not ugly… unless you say that every firey god-like being that has gold is ugly. Perhaps you should do some studying into cultures outside of your native one. :wink:

[quote=“Asriel, post:6947, topic:15529”]
I do
[/quote]Well, then I have to disagree with your entire opinion and ideology. Sorry pal. Maybe some day you can learn to be more open and accepting of things that you haven’t grown up with. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fight me. XD

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all he needs now is a 14K mask

thats what I see when I look at him

this is a nice use of
gold, not tahu

I give up…


I disagree, I think the amount of gold Tahu has is great, because IT’S CULTURALLY INSPIRED. :stuck_out_tongue:

You wanna tussle? I’ll tussle! :joy:

[quote=“Asriel, post:6949, topic:15529”]
I give up…

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now tahu is a 15$ set, watcha gonna do?
(I was doing him as a joke, but he looks much better than with the gold)
I think Im going to do this with all the sets, the silvers ones in gold and the gold ones in silver

'03 actually


Oyoyoyoyoyoyyyyy…that is ugly for me…oof I don’t like it at all. Bring back the gold!!

The silver is what prevented me from getting Lewa…it just looks so awful as a main colour…in my eyes.

It’s not just that…it’s…grey-ish. It looks awfully bland. I was about to say yeah Gali’s silver works because it’s balanced out with orange, and an assortment of blues. This year’s Lewa…eugh…all the silver kills his jungle creature vibe. I really dislike his colour scheme…doesn’t fit him at all. Even with Uxar combined, the greens don’t help in balancing out the silver. There’s just too much of it. Tahu’s gold I don’t mind at all…it’s just better than silver. This might be a reason I love Pohatu so much…it’s because he doesn’t have as much silver this time around as last time. Kopaka’s silver is very limited which I also love (…now that I look at him there with Melum…I think they might be my favourite set of the wave)


I think it’s clear that we have a case of '08 fan here. We don’t need Mistika Tahu back, thank you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gold is a warm color so it fits with Tahu well, silver is too cold for someone like him.

[quote=“lambda_cla3391, post:6952, topic:15529”]
The silver is what prevented me from getting Lewa…it just looks so awful as a main colour…in my eyes.
[/quote]Silver really is a cold and hard looking color. It’s okay on ice characters, but not so much on others. It’s fine in moderation, but unlike gold it can’t be used on the majority of a character because it takes too much away instead of giving. Warmth is always more attractive and all around pleasing to the eye. Heck, a lot of people even started liking Lewa Master’s keetorange, which added warmth to the set, as does Gali Uniter’s orange.

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Nononono! That’s wrong! Tahu is good the way he is!

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I don’t really mind the amount of gold Tahu has.


I dont like gold… FEEL THE POWAH OF SILVER!

Silver just doesn’t look good with red. Using similar colors with similar colors looks much nicer.


The main problem is that Lego overuses gold.
Nearly all their sets have it now.


I guess that’s cuz gold is what the younger kids these days want. The gold characters always sell better than the not gold characters

Tahu is the golden gold god of Phoenix gold toa! Feel the gold baby!

Why not Stars golden tahu?

My childhood has come back to haunt me! Steel Traps from Spyro are back for revenge!

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do you like orange guys? maybe replacing the gold with orange…

what are going to say now… gold is better, again, right?

there is more gold inside.


Gold is overused in mythology a lot, too. Just because American and European dictates in its media that gold is a special commodity for the uber rarest of the rare, it doesn’t mean others do.