BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

Other then the hau, the mata head was very infamous like said mask. I would be okay if they stayed with the same head piece, but keeping the same masks? If they didn’t do it with hf why would they do it here, lego knows whats a failure and whats a success. Sometimes I think lego just forgets about g1. ;(

Well they did re-use the original helmets after a while, so, yeah…


Yes but that was mainly for the villains, when they did it for the “heros”… Come on, would lego really do this again?

What? Sorry, I’m not really understanding that post, woyluld you mind rephrasing that…


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Sorry about that, I blame the mobile site…

…and I now see your point, but I’m not sure, this is all still speculation…

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But he’s 40$…

Hmm. This sounds interesting. I don’t know about the validity of the leaks, but my alerts inform me that 's Bionicle page has indeed updated within the past 24 hours, once or twice, not sure. Now if only I had been there to check.

Could the Toa having the same masks just be preliminary, and they’re just acting as placeholders?

If not… I’m quitting BIONICLE I’ll be very upset.

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Yeah I was thinking this too.

It is a bit hard to make new masks and at the same time make them resemble the old ones,for the first ones are all so detailed,it is a bit tricky situation in my opinion.

Wish I had a little more meat to pick at, but I’ll be glad I have something to go off of.

Wouldn’t expect to see this on an “organic” character, but okay

Could be worth something.

A good reason to buy this set if something else (although I also predict that, if that description is legit, it would also include the fabled trans orange bones.

If the purple consists of larger size armor pieces this could be worth it

So it would be a slight modification of the existing MoS and not the same mask as included in Skull Scorpio.

This could prove interesting.

I should hope so.

Well I sure hope so

Trans dark green hasn’t been seen in a long time (or ever appeared without printing), so I predict this could be the breakout set of the wave.


Yeah, they never appeared in CCBS without printing, though some people have used alcohol to rub it off, they say it takes a lot of time and effort. :unamused:


I have an idea. So, the story starts out as: Makuta makes masks and corrupts them, like mixture of Antidermis 2006, and Infected Masks 2001. Umarak goes around, putting masks on the animals, turning them evil. So the Toa have to knock the masks off the Creatures, turning them good, and the Toa each tame one, making the creature sentient and powerful.
The Toa become more powerful too. So they unite and defeat Umarak so no more creatures become infected. Kopaka would be the first to unite and he would finish Umarak off and the other Toa would unite afterwards.

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I don’t trust you.

Nice Idea. My hope is that the final battle with Skull Grinder awakens the creatures who severed as inspiration to the mask makers who crafted the golden masks.

The only thing that proves this new leak wrong is Umarak. It doesn’t add up.

you have to follow up statements like that with evidence.

Well… According to the new leak, the creatures have masks. Kopaka and Melum were packaged together for a reason. Uhhh. Wasn’t really meant to be serious. Just food for thought, you know.

@Vezon if you don’t mind maybe asking your friend, I have a couple questions About this leak.

Can you (or your friend) describe in detail what EXACTLLY is different about the masks? Are they the same color? You said they have a secondary color, is this similar to the “drained” masks we got in the summer? I’d like to know in detail what’s different

To your friend, did the toa appear to be literally the same builds with different armor add ons? A la Toa Nuva?

Do each of the creatures have unique masks?