BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

If you weren’t serious, then why did you say something so factual?

I dunno. I’m a factual person?
Or, you could say I’m a…


I’ve read it, and it has no reference to new designs.

I don’t believe this, but if it’s real those look like new feet. Also, do you have a link to the thread this was posted on? I seem to really struggle with navigating 4chan, (my computer doesn’t like it, it does weird stuff when I try to navigate it)


I was solely talking about mask designs, but at the same time I suppose “new masks” could always be infer “same design but slightly different in color”, as the speculation seems to imply.

Does anyone have a link to the shop site you can’t access via the search engine that is infamous for LEGO leaks? I want to have it ready on my bookmarks for access in case they leak the pictures.
On another matter, functions on protector priced sets is possible. Loss was smaller Toa priced, despite having the most amount of parts, so something with 40 less parts could cost the same as a protector, and still have enough small parts for a function.

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Its a fan-made drawing based on Vezon’s descriptions. Its not based on anything else

Links been posted a lot now so chances are we wont see a leak on there now because of people being aware of its existence.

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I meant the shop site mentioned in one of the more recent podcasts. We had a leak of each set separately from it of the Toa wave, for the first time(?), and I think some Chima ones a few months earlier.

They have mentioned that a few times, though doubt they would share the link as publicity may prevent it from leaking sets this time around.

hello everyone

i’m sorry to disappoint you, but my source confimed that his leaks were fake.
i had another call with him today. he told me that this “leak” was a prank he wanted me to share. it was supposed to be the ultimate prank and he asked me to not tell that to anyone.
but i simply didn’t want to play his little trolling game.
i shared this misinformation, because i did believe it, but now it is only fair of me to tell you what i have learned: the descriptions i gave you were FAKE.

please don’t think that i wanted to fool you, though. i find most of you to be very cool guys and i really didn’t want to disappoint anyone.
i was very excited and wanted to share my excitement with all of you.
my former friend lied to me and in turn, i did unknowingly lie to you guys.

because it seems i cannot trust anyone these days, i will never post something like this again, unless i have either seen it myself or have investigated further.

i hope you can understand and forgive me.

thank you for your attention.

again, my sincerest apologies to all of you guys

  • SwongoBricks/Vezon

Well hey at least you gave us something to hype about during this dry spell


Aw, man. I wanted trans dark green.


me too.
and that purple eyestalk…


Heh…hehehehehe… Good. Glad that my logic wins. It seemed highly unlikely that these leaks were real and I’m glad that they turned out to be false.

well, to be honest, i wish they were true. i was so hyped for the creature sets…


The creature sets sounded amazing, but at the same time the Toa got shafted pretty hard in the leak considering their builds were far to similar to the original ones. You could pretty much just buy the new pieces off of bricklink when the sets released rather than spending $15-$20 a pop. If we’re getting sets that expensive, they need to be worth it.

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sadly, i think the toa sets will turn out to be very similar to the 2015 ones.
i don’t like the idea of getting new toa sets every year


Hey man, no harm done. Glad you came out in the open as soon as you realized the troll. Don’t feel bad.

But man, I was so looking forward to that ten dollar fire snake set. Oh well :stuck_out_tongue:


See, that’s if you’re thinking within the guidlines of “their budget is the same as this year” which in fact is probably false. They tested the waters, and the waters proved fine (thus the reason we’re getting more names and things of that nature). I’m sure we’ll get a lot of new CCBS armor pieces made just for the Toa if things went as well as I’m estimating. New mask molds will probably happen as well. People are afraid that they’ll look ugly or unrecognizable, but the fact is we have nothing to base this off of. In G1 they weren’t TRYING to make the masks look similar to the older masks. They went with completely different styles on purpose. This time we might see them try to keep the mask designs quite similar yet new. Think of the 2001 Hau and the 2004 Hau. Both are easily distinguishable as the Hau.


Honestly, I have a hard time believing the Toa ones. Would LEGO be that stupid to give us almost exact clones of the Toa?

Besides, 4chan has been wrong with the leaks before.


It’s cool; I figured that was what was going on from word go. You’ve been a long-time fan of ours, and I know you wouldn’t intentionally spread lies in the community.

The fact of the matter is that some people just enjoy pranking others. It doesn’t make them horrible people, but it certainly isn’t a good thing for message board discussion, lol. So thanks for bringing the update to our attention, and you are forgiven.

Now we can get back to speculating about literally nothing until pictures come out! Hooraaaaaaaaaay
