BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

Not if you’re a collector.

If you’re a collector you would want something new as well. What collector wants to buy the exact same thing with slight differences each time? A collector should be overjoyed at the thoughts of new parts rather than an insane amount of re-releases.

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Of course. But people who buy Marvel figures or Transformer figures for that matter, have multiple versions of the same figure. Most of 'em have little difference.

That doesn’t mean that they wanted a re-release or variation. It means that they had to get it because they’re a collector. Most collectors would prefer something new over something that has already been released that they’ve bought two times already. There’s also the fact that collectors are in the minority, and speaking from a MOCists and child’s perspective, the best part of new sets are new parts.

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Sticks and stones, lol.

…so they were fake?

…So new masks are still possible and/or likely?

Honestly, if they just use the exact same mask (even with some different colors), I’d be very disappointed. Never in BIONICLE have the characters had the exact same mask in back-to-back years, and I don’t see why LEGO would do that now. Mask collecting has always been one of BIONICLE’s gimmicks.

Although…some mask packs would be neat…




lol he’s going down as the Bionicle troll of the month


Of this month, yes.

But not of the year.

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Who’s the one of the year?

Oh, don’t you remember? The whole cast of TTV are the trolls of the year. They even got LEGO to bring BIONICLE back just to troll us. :wink:


Nah, that’s just a really clever prank. If they were trolling, they would have all the sets recalled.

It’s ok man. Things like this happens to everyone. My friends once pranked me that BIONICLE was coming back (in 2013) and even made a fake lake. :stuck_out_tongue:


I just want Umarak to be a big,cool,fearsome hunter.

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Sorry to hear about the prank, guess everyone’s friend is a prankster nowadays

Well the only source we have now is Twistlaw on Eurobricks who mentioned Umurak being a big black set.


big black set
Wouldn’t employee say 2 black guys? He could have been refering to onua afterall

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Maybe he knew their names

if hunter is 20$ that means he’s the size of a big toa wich is kinda meh. I hope that there will be a 40$ titan set for the MoUP so we get a giant set for the first gen 2 trilogy finaly.

he dug a hole and filled it with water :stuck_out_tongue:


thank you all for understanding and forgiving me.

now… as this leak was fake, i guess the possibility of the “unifiers” being able to become one with the creatures is still open?


I sincerely hope the purple Eyestalk will still be a thing