BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

Precisely! I don’t want to waste cash for duplicate sets. Get something new for the money. I’m eyeballing that Darth Vader set.


I don’t want Grievous, I need him… Now.


th creatures are fake?

I wonder if Lego is going to try a new building system. If not, then it’s gonna be difficult to top this years sets.

why spend time on a new building system when they can build upon and improve CCBS? They literally made CCBS so they wouldn’t have problems integrating different lines with a single system that is versatile and useful?


The set list is real and this as real as it can get, I felt like posting this since people still mistook them as “unifiers” when on Lego shops’s database they are uniters.

Lego Bionicle 71300 - Uxar Creature of Jungle
Lego Bionicle 71301 - Ketar Creature of Stone
Lego Bionicle 71302 - Akida Creature of Water
Lego Bionicle 71303 - Ikir Creature of Fire
Lego Bionicle 71304 - Terak Creature of Earth

Lego Bionicle 71305 - Lewa Uniter of Jungle
Lego Bionicle 71306 - Pohatu Uniter of Stone
Lego Bionicle 71307 - Gali Uniter of Water

Lego Bionicle 71308 - Tahu Uniter of Fire
Lego Bionicle 71309 - Onua Uniter of Earth
Lego Bionicle 71310 - Umarak The Hunter

Lego Bionicle 71311 - Kopaka and Melum Unity set

That said, every description of the sets was false, only lead we have is that Umarak will be a black set and even that isn’t concrete info since the person saying that isn’t a fan and could had just mistaken it from LoSS or the new Onua.


Bohrok i’m calling it its bohrok

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nah lady, they have specific names

My idea was that they’d be ‘pets’ Ekimu lent them, and they’d be based on what animals would be in their region- Kopaka a bear, Gali some fish/dolphin, Lewa a bird, Onua a mole, Pohatu a dingo or desert animal, and Tahu a lizard or dragon


so? the bohrok had names “tahnok” “Gahlok” “Nuvohk”

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Hey everyone, this is my first post.
That new leg armor looks really nice, but I’m really hoping it gets used in conjunction with a different foot piece. The standard foot just looks really exaggerated in my opinion, especially considering how the leg armor shell is more slender near the bottom.


The names aren’t cohensive, they are either individuals named like that or completely different species from each other. So no, not bohrok. Possibly more in the way JMP mentioned.


Welcome aboard! i agree

Could be Hordika like Protectors or infected protectors


Umarak being a hunter clearly implies them to be fauna, I could be wrong but my assumption would still be logical.

Dark hunters?

nidihki 2.0

still could be infected Protectors that are being hunted by the dark hunters 2.0

Can we all please use logic while discussing the future sets, rather than spewing meaningless conjecture? The protector sized sets are called creatures, now I don’t know about you but officially calling villagers a ‘creature’ would probably be one of the most illogical things you could ever do. EVER. Also, on the whole “Dark Hunters” thing, it has been officially stated that there are no plans to bring back anymore old characters aside from what they’ve brought back. This means that the speculation of any old characters coming back at this point has no merit because it’s highly unlikely that they’ll be bringing any back within the next three years.


i just hope they aren’t the toas pets tbh :fearful:

They’re most likely rahi/wild beasts that will provide world building and a better outlook on life in Okoto. We’ve been needing this, and it seems that they’ve been listening to feedback.


Or maybe they listened to their story bible that they made which has the names of most sets and the story planned for the three year long run.


okay then that sounds alright the mere thought of them being Pets though would kill me :cat:

I disagree with you implication that they’ve already thought everything out in advance. It’s true they do this with most lines, but with this line they’ve been cautious and were testing the waters first. It seems like they weren’t that confident that BIONICLE would do well as a line and might have been prepared to pull the plug right then and there. This seems to have proven to be the opposite though, as we have more name exposure and more solid lore progression unlike in the Winter.