The runes, the shape, the color, the way it attaches to the head. It’s the exact same mask, and ultimately, porting it over would break canon retroactively. Greg’s older statements rule wouldn’t apply since the whole point of the contests is to supercede existing canon.
You either misinterpret me or you really botched your wording. If the canon contests are to be considered canon, as Greg says they are, then greg’s word must still be considered canon. Those who don’t care about what Greg has to say will not care about the canon contests, and those who do will consider the ultimate result of the contests to be 100% canon, irrevocable by any future Greg statements.
Calling them holy writ in the eyes of the folks at Biosector is hyperbole, I’ll grant that. But if Biosector didn’t care, if the people who are impacted the most by this didn’t care, there would not be an art contest.
Couldn’t have hit the nail on the head any squarer.
Not only does the G2 Mask of Creation cause serious canon issues, it’s also just… Lazy. Lazy to use it in artwork, lazy to campaign the already existing design be used as the official G1 representation, when the Helryx art contests brought dozens of new mask designs to the table that would have not ended up on a physical version due to needing time to model.
Any Artakha MOC entered in the contest can use the G2 mask. There’s no rule against it, and I’m not arguing that people should bar the mask from the physical portion of it. Custom-printed masks are hard to come by, especially when shipping is involved. But making the G2 Mask of Creation the G1 canonical Mask of Creation? No. There’s no reason for it and every reason against it. Canon, continuity, design, and work ethic for crying out loud.
…Oh wait, serious canon ramifications are just my opinion. Nevermind then.
Idk about you but a grinning mask with an elaborate headdress doesn’t exactly fill my idea of stoic powerful being with his own fan club
I think the mask designs should be chosen separately from the art contests. It would ensure that the final mask design is the one people wanted, and not whatever happened to be included in otherwise high quality artwork which may win largely on artistic merit. I’m sure the mask design will factor into peoples’ choices to some extent, but it’s still a compromise.
It’s very possible that the canon mask could be a different design entirely had it been voted for on its own. This would add an extra step to the process, but personally I believe it could yield a better end result that more closely reflects the wishes of the community.
It’s an especially big deal in this particular contest, since it’s the third and final Legendary Kanohi being decided.
The problem with that has been discussed for some time now, the extra step it adds either makes it too long for TTV or makes the mask feel less relevant to the winning model
This entire debate makes no sense to me. On one side, people are saying that we should just canonize the G2 mask as the G1 mask. Then the other side says:
"What! Canonize the G2 mask? That’s unthinkable! It’s lazy! It’s a G2 design! What’s the point of even having these contests if we just reuse a design!
Anyways, you should vote for this one that was based heavily off of the G2 mask."
If you’re going to be anti-G2 mask, you can’t also be supporting any of the masks that have thus far been entered. And the truth is, none of them fit the canon. How does Khingk’s mask represent all the cultures of the Matoran Universe? If you are going to worry about the runes on the G2 mask being canonized, you also need to worry about the fact that none of the current designs fit canon either.
The G2 mask should be up for consideration as much as any other piece. It has no more relation to the current canon than a Hero Factory helmet.
Besides, I don’t see how this could imply that the two canons are related, since there would be no mystery behind it. The reason the Vahi in the 2015 animations led to so many theories is because the animator’s intent was unknown. Was it connected to G1, or was it just an Easter Egg?
But it would be very clear that the intention behind using the G2 mask in this contest is because it was a convenient, pre-existing design that happened to match the description. There is no mystery there.
From my personal perspective, I love Khingk’s design. But I just don’t understand how people can be supporting it while also bashing the G2 mask.
It’s not lazy if you put effort into making it a G1 design, inspiration isn’t a bad thing. I agree though, making an entirely new design would suit Artakha a lot better if you’re asking me it’s just that not a lot of people will be submitting / voting for a new design
On that note though, the art contest isn’t starting for a while, who knows what other people will be submitting?
I still fail to see the ‘serious canon ramifications’ that you are talking about.
The symbols are the same?
Who cares? Hydraxon and Von Nebula have the same mask. Crotesius and the Drop Ship Pilot have the same helmet. Does that lead to ‘serious canon ramifications’? No, because it is clear that a similar design being used in two separate universes does not mean that the two stories intersect.
Just like how having the same symbols in separate universes does not mean that the two stories are connected.
And there would be no theories, because the thought process behind each inclusion of the symbols would be known. People would know that the G1 mask only has the same symbols out of convenience, not because of some mystical connection between the two stories.
I agree that using the G2 mask is lazy, but I don’t think it would have as dramatic of an effect as you are describing.
You made only one legit argument: runes. I answered to that argument, if you have another one or don’t agree with my contrargument, then say it. Instead you’re talking some nonsence about understanding.
I don’t say that we should squander it to reboot’s design. My opinion is that Ekimu’s mask can be Artakha’s and there’s no reason against it. However, the rules of the contest require us to make a completely new design. If enough people want to create a different design, they can go for it, but this shoudn’t be specifically encouraged and Ekimu’s mask should be allowed also. Just as 3D-printed pieces on mocs.
The mask’s color was never mentioned. What problems all these things cause except that some people won’t like it?
The point was simply that it’s stupid to think there’s only one right opinion.
Alright, I get it. Feel free to make Ekimu’s Artakha’s. I won’t be voting for your (or anyone else who make’s Ekimu’s mask Artakha’s) art pieces. That’s what this is whole thing is about
ya happy?
You could say that yeah, the problem is runes, but also how 'bout the fact that it doesn’t encompass any cultures in the MU? It doesn’t represent anyone but Artakha, which is frustratingly unlike him. My stance, as I said, is to design something entirely new that does. That doesn’t mean ridiculous headdresses or grins, you can be a lot more subtle than that.
I don’t have the quote for this, but all mighty Greg said it “isn’t gold to his knowledge”
Yeah, I wouldn’t personally go for gold anyway but he said “to his knowledge” to cover himself. It just serves as an explanation for Ghid’s saying “color”
Listen, I’m arguing a personal complaint here. I’drather not use runes we can’t decipher to represent these cultures, when it can be physically represented, and well at that.
It’s a post that changes the rules, à la fixing your problem, at least for now.
If you are thinking this is the rule:
That was about removing the option to make it a different mask, not saying you can’t ever use the G2 one, you never couldn’t. I’ve checked around, but if I still missed something and the rule was actually set and has not changed, tell me, and we can discuss this further
That sounds incredibly aggressive and uncivil
My point of understanding was that we weren’t really listening to each other’s points, we weren’t considering what each other were saying, weren’t taking it to heart. I stated that quite obviously in my post.
The general rules for the contents are the same: participants have to design a new mask and draw a character (moc) wearing it. For now those are just posts and not changes to the rules.
No, you clearly said that I wouldn’t listen, and that by that you meaned lack of understanding. Trust me, I’m not offended, so there’s no need in smooting that.
I’ll take your word for it, but if you can say which rule says that I’d appreciate it
I would like to ask though, so; @Eljay: is the Mask of Creation from G2 allowed to be submitted in the G1-contest’s art portion, as of right now? Thanks!
sigh. It just feels accusatory, man
I never said you “lacked understanding”, I was saying we weren’t understanding each other, that we weren’t hearing what the other was saying etc…
The point here seems to be gone, luckily. It was simply about the status of unrecognition between our points
That’d be whack and I am totally here for it. I want to see this