BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard, Part 2 (Art) + Part 1 Winners

@Eljay @Mesonak We’re about half way through the entry period for the art contest with still no official word on the validity of Bomonga, and we need one sooner than later. If it’s not an issue, let us know. If it is, then temporarily delay the art contest until it is resolved. But letting this continue without a definitive answer could, at the very worst, entirely invalidate every art entry.


I think they would have said something by now if they cared, and frankly, it doesn’t actually matter. Just slightly mod the model to fit a rhotuka launcher, problem solved, everyone go the ■■■■ home. This is inconsequential and unimportant.


are you people absolutely bananas


Look the fact that they haven’t removed the entry is a self-evident proof that the entry is valid, what is wrong with you that you don’t understand that simple simple logic?

I swear some of the people on this forum…


literally 1984


Seeing as they’re the ones running the contest, I certainly hope they do care when one of the entries violates the rules and manages to slip by and even win. It is important because if Double’s Bomonga did indeed violate this rule, and it remains the winner, that is an unequal treatment of the rules since others were told to change exactly this.

Do you have actually something productive to add, or just want to insult?

Instead of immediately resorting to ad hominem, can anyone actually explain why Double’s Bomonga does not violate the rule of the shield having to be held in the hand?


I mean yeah it does violate the rule but at this point it’s way too late to do anything about it. As for why nothing was done earlier, well, that’s a whole different story…

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bomonga has no demarcation between his hand and his forearm, only his fingers - the whole metru torso could count as his hand


Even assuming the Metru torso counts as the hand, the shield is attached to the back of it, with all of the fingers free. That was what Meso meant by the watch analogy.


It’s ON his hand, not IN his hand! What a travesty! Oh, the huge manatee! Seriously, who cares? It’s such a minor detail with such an easy fix that it takes so much more energy to get up in arms over it than is worth it. It’s too late to do anything, so let it slide. It. Doesn’t. Matter.

Not unless you do, and thus far, you have not.

Have you considered that maybe TTV just changed their minds when the entry was submitted and didn’t really care enough to address it?


this is a clear example of the spirit of the law vs the letter of the law - the letter said “no attaching shields this way” but the spirit is “don’t put the shield on the shoulders or feet” - the whole goal is to get cool mocs, which Double’s clearly is, and if the rules have to be slightly ignored, that’s not a very big problem

the reason why ad hominem happened is that this board is now infamous for circular arguments with little substance over things that matter very little both in and out of context - which is why i hold to the idea that this is absolutely bananas


shields being on vs in the hand doesn’t matter that much and it looks a lot less awkward for bomonga to have it on his arm than in his hand

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It does because other entrants that had the shield in a similar way were told to change it, while Double was not, which is unequal treatment. If it’s not an issue, then there’s no problem. If it is, I want to know why or how this happened, and how it can be fixed. I honestly do not understand the hostility in response to that.

If they changed their minds, they should have made it clear and changed the rules to reflect that. They did not.

So you admit the rules were ignored in this case? Whether you personally think that’s not a big problem doesn’t matter. Whether TTV thinks its a problem or not matters, and so far they haven’t said anything.

All Meso or Eljay have to do is say “it’s fine” and that’ll be that. If they haven’t said anything about it because they don’t see it as an issue like you all claim, why not just directly say it to end this?


because it’s implicit and it’s a waste of time to address a non-issue

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The hostility is because you’re contriving a mountain from a lump of dirt adjacent to a molehill. It changes nothing about the model or the entry or the contest itself. If TTV broke their own rule–which has virtually no bearing on anything of importance–what do you think is gonna happen? They’ll start the entire contest again? They’ll decanonize Bomonga entirely? They’ll order a hit on Greg, or Double, or both? They’ll poop your pants?

They allowed the entry. That says everything you need to know. You’re whining just to whine, and we all know it. Cope, seethe, touch grass, etc. This inconsequential detail doesn’t have the earth-shattering importance you hold attribute to it.

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I may not be a mod anymore but my god you all need to chill.

I, for one, am also curious what the Meso/Eljay ruling will be solely because it was such a big deal in the past that entries had to follow the rules, to the point where someone who’s art had skated past the review process (admittedly by my own fault) and broke one rule necessitated an entire restart of the voting process.

Consistency is Key and asking for clarification when the people in charge of running things are conspicuously absent isn’t the worst thing when the result of that clarification has wide-spread effects on what we regard as Canon.

Just because someone doesn’t think it’s a problem, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be addressed at all. And more importantly, Dag’s allowed to ask, and you’re allowed to ignore him.


I hope this isn’t too annoying but is it required that Bomonga’s shield be on his arm or can it be on his back?

We don’t need to explain it. TTV set the rules, TTV runs the contest, TTV says its OK, so it is OK. End of.

You are correct, he isn’t literally holding it in his hand, but TTV accepted the entry, they ascended it to the art contest, and they probably aren’t gonna restart the whole contest now, so there is no point discussing it anymore. It is done with.

And therein lies the cause of the ad hominem attacks. User like you who on this forum have picked on every single big and small detail of these contests for weeks on end, with no apparent end goal other that sowing discord, argument, and in most cases preaching the end of the contests all together, have made this whole exercise incredibly tiring and incredibly unfun.


Please refer to Kini’s statement above. I believe his statement eloquently put it as to why the question is still valid


I’ll start this by saying that I agree with most people here that Bomonga’s shield placement doesn’t really affect the final results, and the fact that TTV let it through shows that they’re okay with it. I completely disagree with any kind of redo or anything like that.

However, I also agree with @Dag that we should have some kind of explanation. Given the past controversies with the rulesets, and especially given all the discussion that went into the Hagah rules, we don’t want to be setting any kind of precedents for seemingly-random rule-breaking. Even if the explanation is something as silly as “we meant to change the rules but forgot to tell everyone” or “his hand was too ambiguous”, that at least reassures us that the rules weren’t being intentionally ignored.