BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard, Part 2 (Art) + Part 1 Winners

Did you mean to quote Winger


I’m still working on mine, it’ll just make me not have to rush if I can get more time


Wait, Winger’s a hater of the blue pouks group? You know, it would be cool if somebody started that, almost like the blue man group in a way…

Heh, ehh either way it’s just a silly joke (or IS it?) but either way who knows…

Edit: Wow I severely forgot. Winger’s no hater, they’re #TeamBlouks all the way! (unless there’s ironic sarcasm being implied)

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I don’t actually like Blouks. Making the armor blue removes contrast from the design and blends the eyes too far with the body.

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I like the idea of blouks but I wouldn’t want it to be canon.

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Norik’s is not pointed by any stretch of the imagination. Again, the part was designed to be an AXE. And Iruini’s weapon has more in common with a glaive than a proper spear. Meso’s already given his verdict: any polearm will do as long as it’s built similarly to Norik and Iruini’s “spears.” I specifically asked him, and he said this:

We make no restrictions on spear-tip usage. Plenty of things in BIONICLE have gone by names other than what they actually are. Norik’s spear tip, for instance, is an aqua- axe. As such, I say go open season with that.

For some reason, it’s not letting me quote the post itself, so here’s a link to his post. I invite you to see the context, since I give some examples Meso signed off on.

Flails usually aren’t polearms, but you could make one that is. I think including the chain would stretch it, but a mace would work fine.


There are six entries, I don’t think the people asking for more time are unreasonable here. Nobody’s asking for an infinite entry period so get that slippery slope nonsense outta here, and I know people who want to enter and have half-done entries, but haven’t had the time because of school or work or whatever to get a demanding piece finished.


Then here’s a better one. Perp and Crunch worked together on their art entry in the first part of the contest. They still didn’t finish it. We got one fantastic group shot, but the individual shots were more conceptual than finalized.

Yes, I agree that both the quality and quantity of art entries for the Hagah are less than the previous two contests, but to put no fault on the fact people are only given a month to draw six characters (Helryx and Artakha were open two weeks, so it’s double the time, but still six times the work) is absolutely absurd.


This is an excellent point! College has been so demanding that I didn’t get to spend Labor day properly and instead spent all day doing homework.


The fact that even you and I agree on this suggests that there’s probably some merit to giving the artists more ■■■■■■■ time. Art like this is really, REALLY hard to make, if anyone somehow wasn’t aware by now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making this leg of the contest more accessible, especially considering we got months and months to make a Metru build, which isn’t remotely as difficult or complicated as painting said builds.


'Tis a bit of a moot point when you consider …



Scale isn’t really a factor. Spearheads are shaped for stabbing, which requires them to be pointy. The aqua axes are shaped like a spade. And axes can be polearms, too.

Norik, the elite guardian of who would be the most powerful being in the universe to the point of becoming the universe… is beating spiders to death with a hand trowel taped to a stick. Don’t mess with him.


It … is. Gali Nuva uses just that piece, and it looks to scale because Gali Nuva is a small model.

Norik uses that piece plus a 16 (?) stud long haft, and he’s much taller. That way, it looks a lot more like a spear. Like, if Norik wielded the piece on its own, it’d be a hand trowel, not an axe. Scale does matter.


it actually uses two 12 long axle pieces for the spear shaft.

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I mean, actual axes tend to be about as big relative to a human as that piece is relative to Norik. Gali’s axes are freakishly large, if anything.

It is prudent to mention that such a weapon actually existed.

The chanzhang, or yueyachan, was carried as both a self-defense tool and a means to give unburied corpses a proper burial. Which means that Norik’s weapon is, in terms of its resemblance to real weapons, unironically a ■■■■■■■ shovel.


We’re talking strictly in the realm of fantasy, not the real world. Believe me, if you want to complain about the unrealism, PM me and we could go all day.

But within the realm that Bionicle fits in, Gali’s weapon are aesthetically identifiable as an axe, while Norik’s is a spear.


Not really relevant except in the sense that a lot of Bionicle weapons are named entirely the wrong thing. Lewa Nuva’s broadswords are somehow katana, Takanuva used a power “lance” which was really more of a trident, Onewa had flails that were just passed off as “claw clubs,” and that’s just the most egregious examples of Toa tools. Names don’t always describe things well in Bionicle.

They have the same shape. They cannot be the same thing by definition. “Axe” and “spear” are English words that describe weapons in Earth’s collective cultural heritage, which are designed for different things. Norik’s weapon is a terrible thrusting implement and, thus, more like an axe than anything else. The only way to make sense of this is to accept that maybe the names are not, and don’t have to be, an accurate reflection of the nature of the objects.

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With Iruini’s help, he nearly beat Teridax to death.


just wanted to jump into this weapon nomenclature discussion and remind everyone that metus’s weapon is canonically an axe