BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I mean both. Just now, I took the part dimensions from Brickowl (I admit those may be wrong, but I could not find any contradicting sources, and those numbers line up with official brick dimensions), and found that a bushing-sized cylinder can fit freely inside a ball-sized sphere.

Additionally, I have used this technique in the past, and found that the bushing was able to spin freely in the socket.

Just to be clear, this is only in reference to Technic Bushings being legal. I am fairly sure that inserting a socket into another socket is illegal.


Are you using another socket, as was done in Krakua, or are you using a bushing? Bushing is legal, socket is not.

EDIT: I just found sources claiming that the socket is only 10.2mm in diameter, rather than 11mm. If this is true, then the bushing/socket connection is indeed illegal. I suppose I must have been using an already-broken socket when I was able to get it to spin freely.

Socket/half-bushing is still on the table though, if you just want to fill gaps.

The 2nd one doesn’t seem like an illegal build. Sure, it’s uncommon, but I wouldn’t say it’s illegal.

The 1st one though. That just hurts to look at.

it can fit inside, but I believe if you put an axle through, it causes stress because the axle holes don’t line up.


Actually, the second one is illegal. In order for the axle to go though both the bushing at the socket, the bushing and the spherical ‘cup’ must have a common centroid.

The bushing is a cylinder with height 8mm and radius 3.5mm

The ‘cup’ is a sphere with radius 5.1mm

In order for the connection to be legal, the cylinder must be capable of fitting entirely within the sphere, while the objects share a common centroid.

However, by the Pythagorean Theorem, a point on the ‘edge’ of the cylinder is approximately 5.3mm from its centroid. Therefore, the cylinder cannot be contained by the sphere, and the connection is illegal.

Given that the model simply uses the connection to fill a gap, there are two ways to accomplish the same goal legally:

1: Just use a half-bushing. The half-bushing cylinder can be constrained by the sphere

2: Use a lightsaber rod rather than an axle, thereby eliminating the constraint of a common centroid.


Yes, I have found that out now. When I made the claim that they could fit, I was under the impression that the socket has a radius of 5.5mm, when it is in fact only 5.1mm.


because math


So, I started to build my entry for the Lariska Canon Contest, but it turns out I only have enough teal to build this:

Introducing: Chibi Lariska, the latest meme! :stuck_out_tongue:

Please don’t kill me…


I also think (or hope) that there will be some kind of rule similar to Artakha because the color is not one you can easily find in all of Bionicle and CCBS.


Regarding the custom pieces, I have noticed that there’s a list with the names of the 3D modelers whose pieces we can use. However, there’s not or at least, I haven’t found any link with the pieces that are currently allowed. What would happen if anyone tries to use a piece from any of these 3D modelers but the piece hasn’t been approved yet? For example a recently made piece from 1 or 2 days ago.

And about Eljay’s Important Note, does the date mentioned there (June 1st) only counts for the custom pieces for Helryx’s contest or for all the other ones (contests that haven’t started yet)? Because I would like to participate in the Hagah one and I’ve recently found another 3D modeler Bio4sale (not included in the current list) that has interesting pieces. In case the modeler agrees to provide a free link to the 3D pieces, would they be allowed to be used in the contest?


To my understanding, the custom piece deadline was for all canon contests, not just Helryx. But I may be mistaken. @Eljay @Mesonak.


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I think that was the intention, but I also think that that needs to be changed.

Some of these contests won’t start for around 2 years, and that doesn’t even include an addon, or a second list. It feels silly to exclude a modeler from having their pieces used in those contests just because they weren’t around 2 years prior.


You can add new pieces to the pool, you just have to fulfill the same conditions (creative commons, free acces to the 3d file and so on). But remember, only weapons and mask are allowed, no limbs, torso or anything else other than weapons and mask.

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Have the final results been posted yet? I want to get to illustrating!

It should be there.

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Is a resin mold of an official mask allowed to have two colors? Or would this also be required to be monochrome?

The mold would be of a part that comes in two-tone versions as well, if this info would matter.

How does everyone make the artwork that they enter into the second portion of the contest? Like do you use a drawing tablet or some computer program? I would like to know.

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I want to ask, even though this question was probably already answered: In the art portion of the contest, are people allowed to recolor the mask to another color such as…say…gold?
If not however, then what if the creator of the MOC gave his blessings for parts of the model such as the mask to be recolored in the artwork?

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I believe the vast majority of entrants use one of those two things, or both. It’s hard to make color art look good unless it’s digital (at least for me).


But is there any specific things that you use?

I don’t have the means to enter the at contests, so you’d be better to ask other people what they use specifically, but as far as I know Photoshop is a pretty common one.

and of course that’s that Wacom Cintiq I dream about.


oh, ok