It’s not the KhingK mask I’m rioting
Look, if you want to be a killjoy there’s an entire fanbase around G2 there are other outlets.
Yes, that’s blunt. Yes, that’s me being a jerk. Yes, if the mods want to knife the post they are welcome to. But I’d think the guy who made a massive community collab to design the Makuta and who actually entered the last contest (if begrudgingly) would actually want new content for Bionicle and wouldn’t be so insistent that the opportunity needs to be abandoned because “Everyone has their preferences”.
I mean, how long exactly have we waited for this to occur again? I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ve repeatedly kicked myself for never taking the opportunity to enter the prior contests, when not only was the bar lower, but massive communities didn’t have to regulate whether or not they happened and deal with absurd amounts of voter tampering just to have a successful result. Eljay and Meso have seriously beat themselves up in order to keep things regulated properly and I don’t think anyone on the boards would be willing to sacrifice their immediate health to keep a community contest going when naysayers are consistently nagging for the entire thing to be shut down.
And the majority of the community has already said yes.
So I’d like to hear from you an actual defense of the request you’re making. Why shouldn’t we have the contests? Creativity has not been quenched, prior canonical designs didn’t stop your Makuta collab from redesigning existing Makuta, and none of the staff, mods, or community heads are going to listen to the outrageous request to let people second guess the entire thing every contest.