Meet the Maker: Art Contest Results (BIONICLE Canon Contest #2)

There really should be one sooner. After the Hagah contest at the latest. What have we gotten from these contests so far that we couldn’t do without? Is there actually anyone outside of the winners better off than before? Sure, that Artakha artwork is really nice and teh MOC also looks good (which is a drastic inmprovement to Helryx), but did we need them? Henceforth anything that doesn’t look exctly like ther artwork or the MOC will automatically be regarded as not canon. And that still is my key problem with the contests. They limit canon-accurate creativity. And if anything all those discussions in the main contest topic reflect that. Everyone has their preferences when it comes to individual characters and how they should look and be built. So why invalidate anything?

And why refuse giving the community the chance to decide if there should be more contests or not?