BIONICLE G2 Discussion Topic

Four waves, supposed to last for six, I saw the sets for ages afterwards

G1 was well exposed but tell me about all the tv G2 adverts

You can slap the name Bionicle on but it doesn’t mean it’s the same thing

Where’s the lore? Where’s the stories? Where are the interesting characters?

You have a point

What I meant was that it’s only similarities to Bionicle were character names, and powers

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Actually, the masks all have some design feature taken from some of the G1 masks.
At least, the Masters. The Uniters were a bit more unique.

There are loads of interesting characters, all developed in books and comics. I actually read one last night.
The protectors were developed fairly well, as well as a few individual characters.
If it wasn’t for the short life of the setline, it probably would have gone into more detail.


Here’s the thing

The set line life wasn’t short because ‘lego hated it’ it was short because it clearly didn’t sell!

Still, if it sold as poorly as you make it sound, I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. Plus, LEGO would have blatantly lied in a way that would have helped them gain no more sales.

The[quote=“TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika, post:886, topic:23000”]
G1 was well exposed but tell me about all the tv G2 adverts

I can’t; I didn’t have cable. However, I do know that they existed.

I’d hope so, there’s gotta be something about copyright on that

Yes, but G2 still has a lot of similarities to G1, more than you’re giving it. However, a reboot needs to break free from its predecessor, hence the differences in design.

They’re there. You may not like them, they may not be as good as you remember G1’s being, but that doesn’t make it not Bionicle.

Plus the importance of masks, setting, mood, collectability, and language. Everything else that changed should be expected in a reboot.

I think you should add “well” behind “sell.”

You make it sound like no one wanted Bionicle back. You make it sound like no one liked the sets. I can assure you that this isn’t true.

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It’s not that I didn’t like the sets but 2 years instead of the planned 3? That’s not just selling poorly, that’s selling terribly! It couldn’t even last 3 years!

It sold worse than Nexo Knights!

Okay, it lasted as long as Chima and Nexo Knights.

You’re assuming far too much. There is more than one reason to cancel something.

From what I hear on a separate topic, LEGO announced that it sold average, but they wanted to cancel it to keep from saturating the theme. That isn’t a lack of care; that’s an abundance of it. They care so deeply for the them that they are keeping it from themselves until they are ready to have it back.

This is just a theory I read that I absolutely love. At heart, I am an optimist, which may be why I appreciate G2 so deeply. What I’m getting it is that you can’t judge how well something sells by how long it lasts, or Solo’s turnout would have killed IX.

Really? I recall four waves for them, too.

Years with sets produced

Nexo knights



That’s a theory with little to no evidence and if I was working at Lego I’d never bring it back, it had it’s time [quote=“ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, post:891, topic:23000”]
This is just a theory I read that I absolutely love. At heart, I am an optimist, which may be why I appreciate G2 so deeply. What I’m getting it is that you can’t judge how well something sells by how long it lasts, or Solo’s turnout would have killed IX.

IX isn’t doing too well after Solo’s failure but even still, it’s saying ‘Solo’s failure won’t cause the failure of Solo 2’

All themes are planned for three years. It is not a guarantee they will sell them for that amount of time.

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Waves are more accurate.

I think the same about your theory about its selling. My point with that was that an early cancellation does not have to impact its sales.

I hope you don’t take offense to this, and I don’t mean any insult, but I am glad you don’t work for LEGO. I would be more than ecstatic if Bionicle returned, and I know I’m not the only one.

I suppose it wasn’t the best of comparisons.

I’m glad people here don’t work for Lego either, otherwise they’d lose all their money bringing back old themes

Why would lego bring Bionicle back?

I’m glad too, but that’s because I trust LEGO infinitely more than their fans. And what do you mean by bringing back old themes? I think bringing back old themes is a perfectly acceptable way to gain income, because it’s not like each theme is an exclusive club. New fans can come in, too. Now, I’m not saying “bring everything back!,” but I’m not saying that such an act isn’t going to make any money.

Because there are legitimately people who love the theme and would love to see it back. Just because the second try didn’t work as well as they hoped doesn’t mean it’s ruined forever. Believing so isn’t just pessimism; it’s depressing hopelessness.


Then I like to be ‘depressingly hopeless’ it failed the second time, let lego do their own themes now, just imagine it, when are you guys going to stop? G3? G4? G5? G6? From the 310N topic, it looks like there are people who will hype up Fabre breathing as a leak confirmed

I enjoyed Bionicle but it’s gone, for good, let it die

Are you saying that if Bionicle came back, and it was amazing, you’d still dislike it?

I’m saying Bionicle isn’t coming back!

But this is a hypothetical situation. Anything can happen in a theory.

But this isn’t a theory anymore! It’s people hyping over minor things

I’m not referring to 3ION or anything anymore, I just gave you a hypothetical alternate universe where G3 existed and was genuinely good. In this alternate universe would you be happy or upset? I’m trying to understand your opinion.


People didn’t really expect a CCBS-centered bionicle theme.
It sold less than expected, yes, but it was, and still is, relatively popular.

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Actually Nexo Knights began in 2016, not 2015