BIONICLE G2 Story Theories/Analysis Topic

Why would they do that? Wouldn’t it be better to make MoUP be a special mask with a special mold?


Probably, but I’ve noticed that LEGO always makes a special piece in one theme and/or wave, and re-uses it in another wave/theme. They did it with the Skull Spiders in Wave 1. Instead of making a epic Mask to reanimate the dead, LEGO used a Skull Spider and made it golden.
It’s still cool though.

It’s like with the HeroFactory Theme.
They tested the new CCBS system in that theme.
As soon as they discovered the weaknesses (like cheap plastic, LOL) and strengths from all of the waves of HeroFactory, they advanced to the next (and best) level of building… what we know as BIONICLE 2015!

That’s true, but what about when it comes to legendary masks? The most i’ve seen of re-used legendary mask molds is twice (Both with the Vahi and the Ignika).


I guess we’ll just have to see.

I know a lot of people aren’t big fans of the fact that the protectors and villagers all wear the Arthron with a pallet swap by element and say that there is no way to differentiate the characters aside from colour but I’ve had a little theory for quite some time, and that was that the characters all had subtle variations of faces like humans and the protectors and villagers wear their masks for ceremonial purposes or to be prepared for a random skull spider attack, though they clearly weren’t if three could send an intire crowd and their protector into a panic. But I digress, if you look at the new head mold you can tell there was an intention to make the heads look more like an actual head unlike the G1 heads. Though there was never any actual proof or evidence to back this thought… until now!

here we clearly see variations of faces in the toa and Slicer and I think we can expect to learn more about this either in the beginning of the book when the Protectors assemble to summon the toa or in the graphic novel

maybe Kulta and makuta were friends back in the day and he used the mask of creation to keep himself alive. just a thought

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I came up with this story a while ago.
Here’s a link.

See ‘Post 1, Hypothesis #1: Skull Grinder’s Origin’.

Needs a bit of work and I may edit it later, but tell me what you think of it.

the chin is just to recognisable. nice try makuta but now we know that you really are kulta. you can’t hide from us (especially not with that chin)

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Actually their original masks have elemental energy too look at pohatus animation.

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Pohatus ability to create cyclones comes from his stormarangs not his mask…

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Maybe he’s not dead? He might just have skeleton-like appearance.
Or it could be that he was reanimated before Makuta was knocked out, but only appear recently?


that’s kinda what I was thinking

That’s a good possibility. But as of now, we really don’t know. It’s really foggy and all we can do is speculate, sadly. :frowning:

Darn book. COME OUT ALREADY! I must know the answers…


it does feel like he’s not dead, just because of how sentient he seems

Indeed it does. Plus, wasn’t he the one who rose the dead in the first place?

Now all we need to know is where he came from…

yeah you’re right

it’d be interesting if makuta was the one who kept him alive throughout all these years, his mind is still intact, only his body has deteriorated

Wasn’t the ancient city stated to be “frozen in time” on the website?

Perhaps he was also frozen in time along with the city, but that’s just speculation. Can’t wait to find out. :slight_smile:

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oh yeah that’s true I forgot about that (freaking website is in shambles right now though)

on the subject of the ancient city though, that sport, I forgot what it was called, but it feels like the new Kohli

Hammer Flush? To me it sounds more like a card game, but since it takes place in an arena, I doubt that.

If it’s a hammer flush, it probably has to do with water and hammers. So… Perhaps it’s partially a water sport?

Actually, you know what. Since the arena floor happens to move up and down (evident in Skull Slicer’s video and the City of the Mask Makers video), perhaps the arena floor was covered in water, and they’d stand on pillars that come from the ground and battle or something while not trying to fall into the water.

That’s just an idea, but it would be pretty legit.


now all I can imagine are a bunch of armored villagers in the middle of an arena playing cards :laughing:

I could see that, and I like the idea, maybe the Protector’s guide will give us more on that


He is not holding them…