BIONICLE G2 Story Theories/Analysis Topic

They go on his feet to do them, as well.

then they become jetarangs

If you just type in words in the search when you are in the books sneak-peak, you can learn some things.

For example, if a Golden Mask of Power is ripped off a Toaā€™s face forcefully, it can render them unconsciousā€¦ temporarily, they will awaken, but without their masks, they will slowly slip into a coma, explaining how Ekimu knocked Makuta out after hitting the MoUP, and how the shockwave made Ekimu unconscious by knocking off his Mask of Creation.


Spoilers, much?


In truth, I just wanted to point out that the search in the sneak peak of Book 1, ā€˜Island of Lost Masksā€™, reveals a lot of information, depending on the words you type.
I just typed in ā€˜Lewaā€™ and I got some of the information above.

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so all the characters in G2 are matoran?


Well of course. Itā€™s a static image, itā€™s not a live feed

It could be just an expression.

Does that principle apply to the Protectors and the villagers too? It wouldnā€™t make sense since they are indepedendant beings, the masks being forged from the mask makers for themā€¦when the mask makers didnā€™t exist, how would the villagers survive? Presuming that evolution took place (due to father and son), it wouldnā€™t make sense for natural selection to favour beings that would slip into comas without something on their facesā€¦


Maybe it knocked out those with the most powerful masks, froze those who had second-most powerful masks, and had no effect on lesser Masks (the Protectors/Villagers).

Will look into.

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Or maybe the air composition became different and the masks help them to breathe ?

that is actually a good theory. that would also explain why there were mask makers and why they were so valuable to society


Yes, that would be a very good theory. Reminds me of ā€œJames Cameronā€™s Avaterā€ (with the blue people). Also it would be a subtle way to suggest that they came from a different planet.


So the ā€œMask Forgeā€ is cold. Ekimu is required to ā€˜igniteā€™ it.

Since the Forge is ā€˜coldā€™, the Ancient City is ā€˜deadā€™ and thus ā€˜frozen in timeā€™. The Mask Forge is essentially a core of ā€˜magicalā€™ energy that makes the city livable. If thatā€™s the case, then all the villagers will, in theory, return to their ancient home after Kulta is defeated?


This might explain why did the villagers leave the city.

One more thing.

Apparently, it takes Elemental Powers of all of the elements to awaken Ekimu. And according to Ekimu, Skull Grinder is under Makutaā€™s control.

But according to the animations, Makuta was put in a deep sleep.

So I wonderā€¦

  • Is Makuta still asleep, and heā€™s guiding the Skull Creatures the way Ekimu guided the Toa?


  • Makutaā€™s awake.
    But if heā€™s awake, WHO, or WHAT, Awakened Him?

It (or they) had to have all six elemental powers to awaken Makuta.


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And what happened to the golden masks? He took them.

What do you mean,


Thatā€™s why Ekimu made them new ones.

He didnā€™t

Skull Grinder hit the Toa with his staff and the masks disintegrated

Oh, right.