Hey all, so what I wanted to do was show off some ideas I have for a G3, mainly focusing on Elements that there could be. Here’s an image I have for a potential idea:
This was an idea I had a while back, I felt that if Lego were to keep Stone, Air could be used in a different way. I think that Air works with Pink as well. Again, Air is colorless, but Pink has utilized Air before in other parts of media, so I think that it fits just as well as Green .
This was an idea I had a while back, I felt that if Lego were to keep Stone, Air could be used in a different way. I think that Air works with Pink as well. Again, Air is colorless, but Pink has utilized Air before in other parts of media.
Ok, but why?
I had an idea a while back to make Magic into an Element. It sounds strange, but my idea was that Magic related beings (Toa, Turaga, etc.) Would be able to use abilities such as conjuring weapons and casting spells. Storywise, other beings wonder if Magic truly is an Element or not.
Actually, reconnaissance planes in ww2 were often painted pink because, for reasons involving light and color perception that I can’t explain, light pink is the color that will make an object in the sky more difficult to spot than any other, just so long as there are clouds present. Light pink-colored armor would therefore be a great stealth tool for a Toa who’s modus operandi is to fly high over the battlefield and batter their opponents with wind.
I didn’t really expect you to explain it again… I more of wanted to echo his query.
A number of reasons. First of all, even though Bionicle is gender neutral, it is primarily thought of as a boys theme, and pink is generally seen as a feminine color. This is not to say that girls can’t like Bionicle, or that boys can’t like pink, those are just not the generality. Most of the colors used by Bionicle are generally gender neutral, or at least, are gender neutral compared to pink, this means that children of either gender aren’t being pushed toward certain colors. I guarantee you that if you make pink a color, girls will be pressured to get them, and boys will be judged for getting them, and I’m not trying to get political about gender norms here, I’m saying parents can be idiots, and children can be cruel.
An interesting idea, probably not for Toa. Toa To tend to be elemental in nature, while magic is generally amorphous. I’d suggest giving these powers to another race such as Xians, a race that we fundamentally know less about than Matoran/Toa/Turaga, much like we don’t know much about magic. It helps with the air of mystery.
I always thought that air should be white and maybe yellow. If that was the case, lightning could be given a main color of blue and yellow accents. Sonics would make more sence as light grey, since it’s intangible. Metal should have some brown or bronze or orange to it. The design for the printing is exquisite.
Pink is a color that seems heavily underused in Lego’s products (Yes I am aware it’s aimed at Boys). I explain most of it in the next answer, but it seemed like a cool idea to use in something like Bionicle.
I understand what you mean, but I would’ve thought that would be a good thing. Shows like Steven Universe break the normality that society sees. I don’t see why Bionicle can’t do a similar thing that kids can understand. My idea would be that each tribe would have a balance of both genders, like how it was done in G2, which means there would be Male Air users as well. I also don’t think they would be pressured into having to buy Lego products. Furthermore, it always bothered me about how Bionicle would overuse the same colors, having different colors for each tribe would seem more appealing for Kids I would’ve thought.
Thank you , things could always be different compared to how it was done in G1, but I see your point.
Thank you very much . Those are some cool ideas, but I would’ve thought it would be interesting to use one color for each element.
Yeah, but I’m saying people will assume they’re female because they’re pink.
My point was more that those wanting to but Legos would be pressured to get certain ones. Girls would be pressured to get the pink ones and boys would be pressured not to.
You may have a point, I just think pink is seen as a bit too gender specific.
Wouldn’t people assume that the Water being would be Male?
Oh, even then though I don’t think that they would be pressured to buy certain toys. No ones telling them to specifically buy a certain set due to Gender. Besides, if G3 were a system line, wouldn’t it not be noticeable that they’re either Male or Female.
I understand, but I still prefer having Single coloured Elements rather than overused ones.
Not really, actually G1 had the opposite problem but that was more due to years of conditioning that the girl was always blue. Here’s the thing, no one questions a blue female, or a red or black or any other color. This is because females shown in colors that are generally associated with males are considered to be progressive and empowering. Where as males shown in colors females are associated with, namely pink (purples seems to have gotten more gender neutral recently), are considered to be weak and emasculated. Once again not trying to get political, I realize that the world is getting more progressive with acceptance and I have no problem with that. But parents tend to be protective of what they’re kids are exposed to, and having make characters that are pink would probably not be well received.
You underestimate the average American parent.
I’m not saying anything about the actual gender of the characters, I’m saying if they’re pink it’ll be assumed that they are female.
Honestly the entire bottom row looks really bad. and aside from that, the toa all look really bland with their monotone color schemes, yet simultaneously gaudy and candy coated with just how much of them is color, they need significantly more neutral tones.
Man, I thought yellow looked weird for a toa, but dear lord that pink looks atrocious.
Tl;dr they look less like toa, more like sentai rangers.
I think magenta looks alright, it’s the more powdery pinks that looks trash, that and an all pink character looks gaudy as heck.
I think many of these would look better if a secondary color that isn’t just a shade of the primary was included. Especially for the pink and yellow; they just don’t look good.
As for the elements themselves, I see no reason why stone would stay and air would go. I remember the creator of Nova Orbis saying that he would never want to use stone and earth on the same Toa team because of how similar they are, and I agree. Having stone be a more specialized secondary element would be kinda cool. Just an idea, but maybe jungle could then be brown (like trees), air could go back to green, and stone could do a grey and pink or something, like gemstones.
Also, was the intention that these would have masks, too? They look kinda weird with just the robotic heads…
To start off with, I just want to say that these aren’t meant to be the actual designs for the Toa. This was simply meant to be an example of what the Colors and Elements could possibly be in G3. Having them all look the same would be, as you say Power Rangers. Furthermore, they wouldn’t all have the same color scheme for each individual tribe, there would be differences, again, these are just examples. Like I also said, I find that using the same color for each tribe, e.g. Water, Lightning and Psionics is just repetitive and pointless, having differences would make things better. I understand if Pink looks odd, but the other colors are all colors that have been used in Bionicle.
To start off with, I just want to say that these aren’t meant to be the actual designs for the Toa. This was simply meant to be an example of what the Colors and Elements could possibly be in G3. Having them all look the same would be, as you say Power Rangers. Furthermore, they wouldn’t all have the same color scheme for each individual tribe, there would be differences, again, these are just examples. Like I also said, I find that using the same color for each tribe, e.g. Water, Lightning and Psionics is just repetitive and pointless, having differences would make things better. I understand if Pink looks odd, but the other colors are all colors that have been used in Bionicle.
These are weak examples, my complaints remain, either these are weak examples because they look bad, or they’re weak examples because they don’t represent the final designs even slightly.
Why would you not put the best foot forward for your choices?