Jake looks at the others as they get in the drop ship. “So, here’s the plan” he says. “Rider, you and the trash are going to do some recon and tell me where all of the entrances are. If you can, try and get a schematic of the factory, or at least scan it. The rest of us are going to set up phase two. Once we have enough information to work off of, and the set up for phase two is done, then the rest of you will use what we set up in phase one to cause a distraction while I infiltrate the factory. Now, any questions?”
All of the team hear this: Launching in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!
@T4k4nuv4 @Nogus101 @N01InParticular @GX_05 @1000Purse30
During the flight Harry was nervous. He rarely flew from planet to planet for his missions and he didn’t like Jake’s plan of sending him on recon (which of course he didn’t say). Come on, who likes doing recon?! Especially in enemy territory, it’s dangerous!
After a few hours of flight he had an idea “Guys.” Harry stopped fidgeting with his hero cuffs “I just thought about something.” he said to his team mates. “If the villains used the same plans as the Hero Factory to build their factory, it should look exactly like…” HH stopped talking, then he said “Nah, sorry, it’s a stupid idea. They wouldn’t be that stupid”.
“You’d be surprised.” Lake remarked before pulling the map of the area again. “If I’m correct, They just made a second hero factory, but with villains.”
“Well maybe they didn’t change the layout of the entrances since they used the same blueprints as our factory. We could try to ask mission control which is the easiest way in and use that” Harry proposed
Jake thought for a moment on Harry’s idea, then responded. “That’s not a bad idea, but I would like to confirm your theory before we act on it, but we should still request a schematic of hero factory. Good thinking Harry.”
Rider piped up; “We could just bust in and hope for the best.”
The heros hear from an intercom on their ships: “You are about to enter the planets atmosphere. Prepare the landing gear. Land away from the villain factory and get in using the plan you created.
@Nogus101 @GX_05 @N01InParticular @T4k4nuv4 @1000Purse30
“Rider, Harry, stick with the plan for now” Jake says, glaring at Rider. “The rest of you, when we land, help me unload the materials for phase two so that we can set it up”
“Alrighty.” Lake responds as he finishes typing in the request for the blueprints of the hero factory.
“Okay then” Harry mumbled to himself as he poked his head out of the craft. In front of him a mountain range of dark brown, rock. The highest mountain was about 6000 meters (19685ft) tall and the others were around 4500m (14763ft). The temperature was really high and a dry wind blew from the equator of the planet. “Well… uhm… gulp… could you go first Rider? I’ll watch your back” Harris poked his head back inside and he gathered his weapon, cuffs and a few supplies.
I came up with something for the territory with the info I knew, if @Cordax had already something planned or if the planet already existed in canon ignore the territory part and my character’s actions remain the same
Lake grabbed a sniper rifle and exited the dropship, “huh, It’s pretty warm out here.” He mumbled to himSelf as he began unloading supplies from the ship, “Rider can you search the perimeter for any threats?” He said as he rummaged through some of the crates. “Now where are those drones?”
“Right here Lake” Jake said as he hauled a particularly large crate out of the dropship. He set it down and popped the top off. He pulled out six drones and set them down in front of lake. Then he pulled out the legs of his secret weapon
Jolt digs through the crates as he finishes unloading the last few crates. “Say, did we pack any pistols? I doubt my stun gun will be useful here.”
“Actually Jolt, I have something better for you” Jake says as he unloads another very large crate, this one labeled “experimental”. “I pitched my plan to the higher ups and they gave us permission to use the CR59 crawler tank prototype, and I was thinking you could pilot it.” He opens the crate and takes out a disassembled body and cannon for the tank. “Could one of you help me with assembling this thing? It’s kind of difficult with only one arm.”
“Thanks man.” Lake said as he activated the drones and set them to scan the area. “I’ll go ahead and head around the mountain and see if I can see anything.”
“Sounds good. If you need any help, contact rider or harry.”
“Uh… Sure.” Jolt lays out the parts, “now where are those instructions?”
“Will do“ lake says as he hoists his sniper rifle up onto his shoulder.
“Hmm, not sure, they said they would send them to us digitally, anything on the ship’s receiver?” Jake picks up his vibro blade, swings it for a moment, then sheathes it.