Harry that was near the ship’s computer to take a last look at the map heard the request and answered “No instructions, but at least they sent us the hero factory blueprints. Anyways, I could use too a better weapon than just a paralizer, did we bring any shock granades”
Jake pases harry a belt of shock grenades. “there you go. You sure there’s nothing? Maybe they sent it directly to me, one moment” Jake takes out his tablet and checks to see if he has received any transmissions.
Meanwhile, in the villain factory, silence tests his new weapon that he made from the worker in preparation for the coming battle. His radar had picked up a hero dropship entering the atmosphere several minutes earlier and had already got a group of villains together to check it out, and they were preparing for a fight, just in case. Suddenly, he picks up a transmission being sent to the dropship and attempts to intercept it. He manages to copy the transmission, but is unable to stop the Heroes from receiving it. He downloads the file into one of the computers in the and opens it. He sees that it is instructions for a prototype tank. He smirks. “Oh what fools you gave been, heroes” he says and chuckles.
Back at the dropship, Jake receives the instructions on his personal tablet. “Ah, here they are” he shows the instructions to jolt. “Now, let’s get to work on this tank, shall we?”
He nods his head, “On it.” Jolts wastes no time to begin assembling, though parts were not the only things to build up. At some point his progress slows down as he worries, Just how am I supposed to operate this thing? It’s not like I’ve got all day to learn how this works. Maybe I could just ditch the tank and use the core when no one’s around. No, wait- What am I talking about? I can’t risk it, not here.
“Hey Jolt, could you pass me that 6 size hex wrench, I’ve got just three more bolts and then I’m done with this side.”
“Hmm? yeah, here,” he hands him the wrench.
Lake had made his way to the other side of the mountain, and had found a small cave. “Ah perfect.” The cave was just tall enough for him to walk inside, he retrieved his rifle and set it on the ground, “Huh really is just like the hero factory.” He said as he looked down the scope.
“Thanks” Jake says, then tightens down the nuts onto the bolts and steps back to admire his handy work. Then he steps over to the last box and pulls out five special drones, each one equipped with his hologram technology. He programs them to make his chosen illusion and smiles. this is going to be fun he thinks to himself.
Jolt glances at the finished product. “So, how does this thing work?”
“They say it’s intuitive. You plug yourself into this tube here and it’s like it becomes a part of you. Would you like to test it out before phase two?”
The heros don’t see a drone coming near them, and when the drone spots them, it starts ringing an alarm and blinking red lights. The drone then starts firing.
@Nogus101 @1000Purse30 @GX_05 @N01InParticular @T4k4nuv4
At the villain Factory, all of the villains receive a message from black phantom that says this: "we have spotted the Heros on the planet, south of the factory. GET THEM NOW!
@Atobe_Brick @T4k4nuv4 @1000Purse30 @ProfSrlojohn
“There’s no time, the alarm went off!”
Harry was about to exit the ship when the drone started firing and with one of his famous leaps he hid under a seat. “A FLYING THING IS FIRING AT OUR SHIP!” he yelled at the others while clutching his paralizer in his hands. After a few seconds of loud lasers he slowly exited from his hiding spot and he saw that the drone started to fire directly at the windshield. “Guys, I think it wants to kill us” Harry gulped in fear “and… OH CRAP! If this thing is here they know we are here! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!” he screamed as he launched himself back under the seat.
Rider flew up at the drone, taking evasive maneuvers to avoid the shots. He swung his sword at the drone aiming to disable it.
OOC: leave for a few hours…
Jake smiled. He activated the special drones with hologram technology and linked to them. He commanded them to create a hologram of the Heroes being hit by the lasers and dying. Seeing as they were being attacked only by drones, he figured it would be enough to convince them. He put a finger to his helmet to signal the others to be quiet and signaled them to not move. Jake slowly crawled to one of the crates using his hologram technology to hide his movement. When he reached the crate, he grabbed a disruptor disc and threw it at the drone
Rider got the message from Jake just in time, he was able to divert his swing to not hit the drone, and dove towards the mountain.
Lake could hear shots from the other side of the mountain, he decided he should radio in. “You guys okay over there?”
“They found us” Jake says as the disc hits the drone and shuts it down. “We’ve hot to get a move on with phase two. Rider, we’re going to have to assume it’s just like her factory so recon is no longer necessary. Harry, bring me the Hero factory blueprints. Jolt, get in that tank. These special drones will help you, you can connect to their server and choose a hologram for them to emit, use them to make it seem like there’s more of you then they know. I’m going to infiltrate the base while you destract them. Lake, have the drones you sent returned yet?”
“Yeah I’ve got a good scan of the area. Do I need to head back or do you want me to meet you there?” lake answered as he picked up his rifle
“Sure thing” he says as he exits his hideout a little shaken from the attack. He goes to the computer and he notices that some systems were damaged, fortunately the servers were not so he managed to send the blueprints to Jake’s tablet. “The weapon systems and the engines are down!” He said concerned “what are we going to do if we need to flee! Oh man!” he sighed nervously, then he said to Jake “Anyways, I’ve sent the blueprints to your tablet” he then sat down for a moment and he sighed again.
I need you to keep an eye on the villain factory, now that they know we’re here the will undoubtedly send a team to destroy us. Harry, if the communications are still up, contact hero factory and have them send us a recovery team. The rest of you, we need to set up a defensive perimeter and make some cover. Turn their attack into an ambush. I’m still going to try and infiltrate villain factory. Jolt, we really need you to get into that tank.”