“Gotcha. Are you sure you don’t need help with the infiltration?”
he said as he moved further down the mountain
"Thanks for your concern, but I was built for infiltration
“Yes! Finally something that probably won’t kill me!” he said excitedly “I’ll try, hopefully they still work” he continued to say while he stands up. Harry goes to the computer and to his surprise the communications still work. he pushes a button to contact mission control and says “Mission control, I’m Harry Harris of team beta 1, we need a recovery team, our engines and weapons have been damaged and the villains know we are here” “We know” a voice Harry didn’t recognize spoke from the speakers “I assume you are not mission control” HH said frustrated “No, we are not but now that we know you are alive… we are gonna have fun” with a click the voice stopped and Harry sat again saying “We are doomed. I knew it. If it can go wrong it probably will go wrong” he quoted a terrestrial proverb with his head between his hands. “So… what do we do now?” Harry asked the team.
“We steal a ship.” Lake responded “I’ll see if I can get inside and snatch one up.” he paused “assuming I survive of course.” Lake Finished as he reached the bottom of the mountain. “Hmmmm. maybe we could get the tank down here to cover me and Jake.” Lake pulled out his rifle and scanned the area.
@Nogus101 “rider can you give aerial support?”
“On it.” He jumps into the tank and hooks himself into the systems. “Alright, now those holograms.” He searches through the files and sets the holograms.
“Of course.” Rider answered. “Just count on me.” He said as he took to the air. “Come on!”
“What am I supposed to do?” Harry asked the group from ths seat he was on. “I would gladly hide somewhere but, frankly there is nowhere safe to hide!” he said frustrated “If I stay here at the ship they find me and kill me. If I go anywhere I’ll probably die!”
Crosser was watching TV, when he heard some commotion coming from outside.
He moved to the window, and saw some of the heroes’s ship down below.
“Ah… when Black Phantom said there were Heroes on the planet, I didn’t realize that he meant they were so close…” he said with a smirk.
He then leaped out of the window, and stabs his sword into the side of the factory. He slid down the side of the building, with his blade slowing his descent and producing and terrible screeching sound. Once he got low enough, he jumped onto the ground.
The mangled figure begins to slowly hobble towards the group of Heroes (He doesn’t know that there are other heroes on the other side of the mountain).
Smiling cruelly, he says, “Well well well, lookey here…you know, I used be just like you… Would you really hurt one of your own kind?”
At this point Crosser shoots a ball of energy from his launcher, towards the heroes’ ship. At the same time, he runs toward ship with his swords drawn, looking for a hero to rip apart…
Jake grabs a gun that he requested for the mission, a heavy repeating rifle, and he throws it to Harry. “Here, use this and help Jolt cover me and lake.” He says, then pulls out his vibro blade. He activates his hologram technology and creates a hologram of the area around him to make sure they can’t see him.
“Guys we got a bogey!” lake says as he stores his rifle and retrieves one of his plasma swords. " And they’re big. how close are you all?"
“I’m on your left lake, but they’re intercepting our coms, so I’m going to have to go radio silent temporarily” Jake watched as several more villains poured out of the factory. He clenched his jaw. this is going to be a tough fight he thinks.
Silence walks out of the factory with his small team of villains and looks out at the heros. weaklings he thinks. But something doesn’t sit right with him. It feels like a trap. Silence pulls the charging handle on his gun and cautiously approaches the Heroes. He will not be out done by them
“Well then.” Harry says as he nears himself to Jolt. “I’ll um… stay right behind you” he says to Jolt while clutching the rifle.
“Alright then. I think I got maneuvering down, just gotta figure out the cannon. Give me a sec.” After looking through the UI, a window opens on the corner of his screen with a view from the cannon’s perspective. The cannon turns with a move of a control stick. A red button topped the stick, though Jolt didn’t need to figure what that did. “Now we’re talking!”
@T4k4nuv4 lake jogs over to Jake “think we can take them?” He says as he pulls out a small pistol and loads it.
Jake counts the enemies. There’s about six at the moment. “You take the three on the left, I’ll take the three on the right” he says, smiling at lake. He dodges a round if bolts then turns on his holograms and disappears into the back ground. “Be careful of the tall one, I don’t like the looks of him. See you on the other side” he says, then veers off to the right to confront the villains.
Silence fires a burst of rounds at the incoming heroes, then takes a second glance as one of them disappears into thin air.
Harry goes to see the villains approaching “That’s a lot of them!” There where less than 10 villains coming but to him they were already to many “We are definitely going to die” he thought nervously, then he had an idea “Hey Rider, do you think you can do a fly by and launch some of these shock granades from above before Jake and Lake reach them?” He asks using his radio @Nogus101
“Sure thing,” Rider responded as he flew by and picked up some said grenades. “But I’ll do a lot more too.”
“You’re doing what now?” Lake questions harry
@GX_05 as he shoots one of the villains before throwing a pair of hero cuffs. Which they dodge. “ Great! They’re intelligent, this is gonna be sooo much fun!” Lake shouts sarcastically “remember try and maintain radio silence, they’re still tapping into our comms.”
Scraper wakes up to find himself In a tube, before glowing red tendrils strike him in the middle of his chest. For some reason he feels refreshed, recharged even. The strange red liquid around him drains out and the door in front of him opens. “The boss wants to see you.” A worker next to him tells him. “Where am I?” Scraper orders as he stretches.
“The villain factory sir.” The stranger responds
“Man I must have been out for a while. Where’s this ‘boss’ ?”
“Right behind you.” The worker says trembling
Jolt angles the cannon towards the villains and fires, “I’m starting to like this thing.”
“Jolt, harry and rider do you all have the situation here covered?” Lake asks as he slices at another villain