Black Destiny RPG

“Don’t worry” Rider radioed. “I’ve got this.” Says Rider as he launches the shock grenades.

“Gotcha covered.” Jolt fires another few rounds.

Lake went to signal to Jake but found he had disappeared. '“typical.” lake ran past the villains, dodging their fire and made his way inside the villain factory

Jake had dispatched the three villains on his side with ease, they didn’t even know what hit them. He was now on his to the emergency exit on the factory where he would enter Jake managed Tory open the door without setting if the alarm (again) and made his way to the villain construction area. He found an entrance and went in to the assembly line. It was time to make his alter ego.

Meanwhile, silence was trying to figure out what had happened to the fifth hero while also fending of the others. At that moment, a pair of hero cuffs flew at him and he managed to dodge them. He grabbed them off of the ground and clipped them to his belt he saw a hero enter the factory, so he decided to follow him. Silently, he crept after the hero, waiting for the perfect moment to strike

Lake ran by the front door and spotted… Himself???
“alright that some real tom-frickery.” he continued to run and made it too a side entrance. he opened the door and stepped inside. “now time to find a luanch bay.”

Scraper had heard that voice before and he despised it.

When scraper awakened he had been told that Lake was on the planet, but he hadn’t been told lake looked different, the irony to his situation was that he now looked almost exactly like the hero he hated so much.

The staff wielder stands on the very top of the factory, watching the heroes and villains like ants. “It appears they’ve managed to bypass factory walls. I specifically warned them not to use the EXACT SAME PLANS!” He takes a deep breath in disappointment. “Foolishness…”

“Hey, Harry, how are you holding up?” Jolt asks.

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The shock grenades hit, damaging and disorienting several villains. At the same time, Rider dropped from his pack, letting it fly around and take shots at villains. Rider dropped sword-first onto a villain, destroying it, and Rider started attacking villains left and right.

“I’m not dead!” He said stressed. Only a couple of villains reached him but he managed to take them down with his paralizer from behind a rock. And man, that rock was a beautiful place to hide, he could survive but he wouldn’t be able to help much staying there. Fortunately the others were doing just fine so he didn’t see the need to exit from cover. Well… that didn’t last long as one of the paralized villains managed to get to his weapon and crumble the rock into pieces. Harry fell on the ground facing the villain as the paralization wore off strangely fast. He tried to reach for the rifle Jake gave him but it flew off with the explosion, he went for the paralizer but it needed time to recharge, he threw his hero cuffs and attached a shock granade to them. They hit and the granade exploded while Harry got up to get his rifle. “That should not have happened!” He commented what just happened. Now he didn’t have cover and he was forced to fight in an open field and he hated that.

“Well, you’re welcomed to take cover behind me. This thing’s still standing,” he tells Harry. Jolt continues to fire at incoming villains with no signs of stopping. “Rider, how many more are out here?”

Lake Eventually found his way to to an elevator leading to the launch bay but just his luck the other “him” was blocking his path, to get there.

“Maybe I shouldn’t of said my plan over comms.” He mumbled to himself as he stepped out from his hiding place.

“Greetings myself! May ask what your name is?” He shouted

“Oh I think you know full well who I am.” The stranger answered reaching for the plasma lance.

Lake recognized that accent from anywhere. It was the voice of his long dead rival, “scrapper! Long time no see. Tell me why do you have my old armor?” He questioned

“The boss thought it’d be funny, and might, possibly motivate me.” Scrapper responded spitefully

“I’m assuming you’re not going to let me get to the launch bay?” Lake said as he lit one of his plasma swords

“That’s the plan!” Scrapper shouted as he charged forward.

Lake braced himself and blocked his first then disarmed him on the second, this how most of their battles ended up, lake would disarm scrapper, scrapper would disarm lake and before either of them knew it they’d end up fighting hand to hand, and each time they fought they had come back worse and worse.

“Scrapper we both know how this is going to play out!”

“If you want me to surrender then you’re surely the most idiotic of the two of us!”

“Alright that’s it!” Lake drew his second sword and ran forward slicing almost wildly at scrapper, Unfortunately scrapper had noticed his pattern and intercepted his swords and threw them aside, severely burning his hands in the process.

“Now we can get to the fun part!” Scrapper screamed as he ran forward revealing the attribute that gave him his name, the giant claws on his fingers, so sharp they could turn anything they touched in the scrap.

Lake took a deep breath. He had been trained by the hero recon team exactly for this moment. “ You’re wrong scrapper, this is where your fun finally ends.” Lake drew his final sword, this one made of metal, and took his stance. “ 13…12…11…10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1!” Lake counted down the seconds before scrapper reached him.

“YOU’RE DEAD HERO!” Scrapper Shouted

Lake stood his ground before striking with such finesse and grace scrapper had never before seen from his rival, he never had the chance to know what happened after the strike that had struck him down the first time, but this time he refused to be killed again. Scrapper landed behind Lake now unable to move anything but his third arm.

Lake pulled his sword out of scrapper’s now paralyzed body. “I’m sorry but this is where our story ends.” Lake sighed. As he dragged scrapper’s limp form over to the elevator. “This is where the retribution for your crimes starts.” He said as he pried open the doors revealing the shaft below.

“Wait! We can talk this out, I can change-“

“You said it yourself, You’ll never change” lake interrupted before he threw scrapper down the shaft. When ten seconds had passed he heard a loud thud echo up from the shaft.

“Terra, Johnson, Dave, ash, I hope you can finely rest now that you have finally been avenged.” Lake said mournfully as he called the elevator down to the first floor. And stepped inside. While lake was waiting for the elevator to reach the launch bay he thought he might as well send a message to whoever was behind this “Whoever’s Listening to our comms, Let it be known that scrapper is dead, and we will be coming for you next!”



“Not enough to beat me!” Rider shouted in response as he swung his sword and felled yet another villain. Truly there wasn’t enough to beat him, there were only 4 left in Rider’s field of vision, and he had already taken down over 3 time that many.

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The Villains hear this message on the intercom: THE HEROS ARE HERE! ALL VILLAINS STILL INSIDE, GET THEM!!!
@1000Purse30 @T4k4nuv4 @ProfSrlojohn

Silence had watched the battle between scrapper and lake, and he was waiting at the bottom of the shaft. He dragged the body if scrapper out. He had plans for this one. Once he had sufficiently hidden the body, he found his way back to the launch pad, coming out behind the hero. He aimed his new rifle and switched the magazine. Now he was firing stunning rounds. He fired off a burst at the hero known as lake, then jumped behind cover in case he didnt hit.

Jake was in the assembly line creating his new persona and making sure it looked like there was nothing out of the ordinary. Finally, it was complete, and he stepped off the assembly line, a new person

Crosser, due to his two heads could focus on fighting two heroes at the same time. Using his swords. he rushed Harry and began to engage in close quarters combat.

At the same time he used his blaster to fire at other enemies scattered throughout the battlefield behind him.

Harry, as soon as he saw crosser coming towards him and trying to engage in combat he started to shake and after crosser took a few swings at him he fell to the ground while going backwards to avoid them. He continued to go backwards while dodging hits for a few seconds as he paniced “that’s it, I’m going to die this time”. As crosser took another swing at his head he tried to block it damaging his left forearm. Harry was in danger, real danger, he repeated in his head “I don’t want to die”. Then he felt something that he felt only a few times since he was built: courage. He blocked a few more hits with his already damaged arm and with the other he reached for his paralizer and shot the villain’s chest with full power, then he launched his remaining pair of herocuffs at the villain and shot him in the foot with the rifle (he was aiming higher but he had terrible aim). He would have said a one-liner but he couldn’t think of one.

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For several seconds, Crosser stood in place, blankly looking into space. Then Crosser’s right arm, leg, and head goes limp, and Crosser collapsses. The right side of is body isn’t currently functioning, but Crosser can still shoot his foes with his third arm while he’s on the ground.

Lake had managed to reach cover before a stun blast had actually hit him.
“I know you’re there! This will be your only chance to surrender!”
Lake reached for his plasma sword before realizing that he had left them on the first floor. “Oh great. Just my luck.” lake retrieved his pistol and activated his experimental plasma shield,

“Well, I am not within factory walls, so I’ll carry on my way and partake in a little hunting” the staff wielder says to himself. He takes a second to wave his staff in the air. The head glows a bright blue as the handle coils around his arm like a serpent. Soon, his body becomes encased in a new layer of flesh made from the staff. As it covered his body, his legs became suited for snatching, feet grew razor talons, feathers sprouted throughout his body, arms stretched out into wings, and a large crescent beak protrudes from his face. Most noticeably, his height skyrocketed to almost three times his normal size. Upon completing the transformation, he flaps his wings, checking the windspeed, preparing to take flight.

Harry, after seeing that crosser’s third arm was still functioning threw a granade near him, just out of his reach, then the moment of courage ended and he ran back to his team’s ship which was being ignored by the villains. “Okay, n-now let’s fix this” as he tried his best to fix his arm, still shaken from his fight with crosser. “Maybe I can s-stay here for a bit, the others are still doing fine for now”. He then looked at the ships computer and thought “Maybe I can send a message to hero factory to ask for help if I manage to avoid being intercepted”. He tried for a little bit he couldn’t re-establish a secure connection through the safe frequencies. He tried to reconnect the weapons to send a laser beam towards an hero factory satellite because “if a satellite breaks they will sure think something’s wrong”. He had one chance, the ship had only enough power for one shot and then it would totally stop working, he pressed the fire button and a giant lazer shot from the ship. Then he ran back to Jolt because the villains would certainly notice a high power laser beam. “Hey, look who’s back” he said to Jolt while shooting from behind him to use him as a shield

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“I’ve been watching you little hero. I saw you kill that other villain. He was a pushover. You have never met a villain like me!” As silence said this, he finished tinkering with the hero cuffs so that now they would go after heros. He put little racket boosters on it and connected it to his hive mind. He got out from cover and threw the hero… no, the villain cuffs, at lake. Then he grabbed his rifle and readied for battle