Everyone inside and outside the factory hear this message from black phantom:
BEGIN OPERATION SILVER DOOM! ALL VILLAINS INSIDE THE FACTORY NOW! As all villains start running into the building. @T4k4nuv4@1000Purse30@Atobe_Brick
For villains ONLY! NO HEROS!
What operation silver doom is
Operation silver doom is where all villains go inside the factory and a giant drone simmilar to the one in “rise of the rookies”. Once all villains are inside, the drone will go out of the factory and destroy everything in its path. Once the drone is deployed, the villains will fly to the Hero Factory, hoping that the heros will call for backup, and while the heros are flyig to the villain factory, the villains flying there can destroy it. @T4k4nuv4@1000Purse30@Atobe_Brick this is also common knowledge among the villains.
Lake fired at the cuffs disabling one of the rockets, sending them veering wildly off course. Unfortunately they manged to grab one of his arms. “So that’s how you want to play?” lake grabbed his sword and cut the cuffs off of his hand. “let’s see how you like this.” lake pulled out his pistol modifier, apparently this technology had been based off a Children’s toy. “Let’s see where’s the shotgun? AHA! There you are.” lake twisted the barrel extension on. Lake had spotted more crates to take cover behind “perfect. Hey VILLAINS MCGEE!”
lake ran from his cover firing as much as possible, hoping one of the plasma bolts might hit their target, before ducking down behind a crate.
Silence smiled as he heard the voice over, dodging all but one of the plasma bolts. The last on hit him in the arm, but he felt no pain, or if he did, it didn’t matter. He fired off a round of bullets at the crates lake was hiding behind, putting several holes in them, then he jumped behind some cover. He inspected his injury and repaired what damage he could. “I’m afraid you have bigger worries than me hero. You and all your friends will die, unless you surrender. Unlike most villains, I wish to learn about you heros. If you surrender now, perhaps I can convince my master not to obliterate your friends. What will it be hero?”
Lake inspected his wound, one of the bullets had managed to get him in his left leg. “Play dead?” he thought to himself, it had worked on scrapper before, but he was sure this villain was very different.
“I’ll make you a deal!” Lake shouted without thinking as he grabbed one of his pulse grenades.
Silence grinned an evil malicious grin. “What do you propose, little hero?” He said
Jake was unsure of what this silver doom thing was, but he knew it couldn’t be good. He decided to try and find a data terminal to find out and send word to hero factory.
“S-silver doom?” Harry said already trembling. “WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT OPERATION!?” He yelled “WE ARE GOING TO DIE AND… wait… were are all the villains going?” He asked to Jolt, who was in front of him. “THIS IS NOT GOOD! THEY ARE DEFINITELY NOT RETIRING! WE ARE ALL GOING TOO DIE!” He yelled to Jolt “wait…” he noticed a struggling villain going towards the factory, it was non other than crosser “Jolt! catch that guy! he might be able to “give” us some informations!” he said to his comrade
Lake activated his Comms. “You tell me what this operation ‘silver doom’ is!
And I’ll-” Lake trailed off, he had noticed a terminal nearby that would send a ship up to the launch bay. “And I’ll spare your life!” lake threw his pulse grenade and quickly retrieved his sniper rifle and shot the grenade mid-air before activating his shield. Lake could hear shrapnel pepper his shield threatening to break it. He repeated this process till his grenade belt was empty varying his throws drastically.
Silence had been expecting some trickery, he jumped from his cover straight at lake, shrapnel hitting his body, barely making a scratch on his high-gloss titanium frame. He smashed into the hero’s shield and they went tumbling, then he jumped away and aimed his rifle at the hero. “Now, about that deal” he said with another evil grin.
“I knew you were going to pull some crap like that.” Lake grabbed the villain cuffs jets and attached them to his own and threw them at the villain, not aiming at his hands but at his neck. The cuffs found their target and grabbed his neck and dragged him to a nearby pole. Lake ran forward and shoved his shotgun against the Criminal’s neck. “Now…about…my…deal.” he said in between breaths
Jolt rushes out of the tank with a pair of cuffs and his stun gun. “I’m not taking any chances!” He fire the taser at Crosser before throwing his cuffs at him.
“Operation Silver Doom? Already?” He grunts in reluctance and swoops down to the base of the factory. He almost instantly reverses the transformation upon landing. As he walks though factory doors, he wipes a feather off his shoulder.
Silence presses his gun against lake’s chest. “Yes, about the deal. Shall we blow each other to smithereens, or shall we be civilized about this, hm?” He says.
Jake finds a terminal with no villains attending it and accesses it. He searches for silver doom initiate.
OOC: can Jake find out about it or is that not allowed @Cordax? Also @N01InParticular, just so you know, silence is about two times the size of a hero. One more thing, I will be afk for a couple hours
Black phantom says this over the intercom: alright it’s been long enough, UNLEASH THE BEAST! He says, just as an off section of the villain factory opens up to reveal a hulking drone, covered in silver. @GX_05@N01InParticular@1000Purse30@T4k4nuv4@Atobe_Brick@Nogus101
Silence reaches up and rips the hero cuffs off of his neck. He keeps his rifle up, but no longer pointing at lake. “I’m Silence, and I want a test subject. And what about yourself, little hero?”
Jake finds the file on operation silver doom and opens it. He gasps in horror and attempts to open communications with hero factory HQ. “HQ, do you copy, this is an emergency, code red. I repeat code red, do you copy?!” Jake says, panic rising.
“Never mind! DEAL’S OFF” Lake raises his rifle and fires a stun blast, and runs to the terminal and summons a drop-ship. Before running over to the launch bay doors and opening them. Outside is a giant drone scurrying about.
Lake turns around to find that silence had vanished. “Found out what that Project silver doom is! No, thanks to your idiot villain Silence!” Lake said into his comms, desperately hoping that the villains Will buy the whole silence is a Traitor thing.
Silence kicked lake from his hiding spot in the shadows then closed the doors. He’d barely dodged the stun blast. He was frustrated that his test subject had gotten the better of him. But that didnt matter now. He would soon be dead. “Pity” silence said. “He would have made a fine specimen.”
After dispatching the remaining 4 villains, Rider saw the drone and started running for it. “Finally a challenge!” He yelled, then jumped and reconnected with his drone, and flew towards the massive drone.
Lake was falling, well that much was obvious “AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!”
he felt it was appropriate to scream. Lake paused realizing he still had his sword, lake reached for it and pulled it from his scabbard and stabbed it into the side of the building. Halting his fall. Lake took a deep breath. And activated his comms
@Nogus101 “RIDER! CAN YOU COMM PICK ME UP?” Lake could see his ally flying towards the hulking drone.