The drone sees rider, and sends a barrage of missiles at him.
"WHAT?! You would dare to interrupt the glorious progress of my battle!?” Rider responded, “Fine…” Rider sulked as he flew at Lake to grab him.
The missiles follow rider, seeming almost sentient
“Wouldn’t dream of it! In fact can you get me close enough, so I can land on it?”
“WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL IS THAT!?” Harry yelled as he saw the drone step away from the factory. “I KNEW IT! WE ARE ALREADY DEAD!” Harry paniced as he followed Jolt inside the factory. “What are we going to do?” He asked as he hid behind a column.
“WAIT, IS THAT RIDER?!” He said seeing a bunch of missiles going towards him. “THAT THING IS GOING TO KILL HIM, US, AND EVERY HERO ON THE PLANET THAT WILL COME TO SAVE US, IF THEY COME! What are we going to do Jolt?” He asked again
Rider noticed some missiles following him. He grabbed Lake and told him to hang on. “This is going to be a bumpy ride.”
With that Rider began swerving erratically to see if he could shake off the missiles.
@Nogus101 “Keep going I’m gonna try something!” Lake said as he grabbed his sniper rifle and began firing at the missiles. Each time a bullet made contact they exploded. Lake had managed to hit at least half of them. Before thinking of something,
“Rider! Dive towards the Drone and don’t pull up until I say so!” Lake commanded
Rider did as Lake said. “When do I get to fight that massive thing?” He asked.
“Once these missiles hit the drone!” They were almost 10 feet from the drone now “PULL UP!” Lake ordered as he watched the projectiles hit the Drone’s back. “Alright circle back and drop me down onto it!”
Rider circled back, but instead of dropping Lake, Rider detached himself and he dropped onto the drone with Lake. “Who’s ready to fight me!?” Rider inquired as his pack flew off to find more things to shoot at.
Jake had been able to get through to HQ and had told them of the operation. Now it was time to fully immerse himself in his new character. He changed his voice and pulled the characters attributes to the forefront of his mind. Now he was ready. He destroyed his tablet and disconnected his communication device (although he didn’t destroy it, because he might need it later). Now he was ready. He pushed down Jake rattlesnake, and became the villain known as Striiker.
Jolt scans the area, but has yet to come up with a plan. “I dont know… The tank’s all the way over there, and even if we did reach it, that thing would crush us like bugs. Maybe there’s a way to deactivate the thing from inside the factory. But then that would just be another roadway to hell, wouldn’t it?”
The staff wielder watches in amusement as the drone fends off the heroes, to him it was a game of cat and mouse. “Bravo!” he cheers.
Crosser is currently trying to break off his hero cuffs by banging the chains against a sharp rock.
The drone’s core starts glowing with energy as it brings out a machine-gun like weapon on both of its hands and starts firing yet again.
@GX_05 @1000Purse30 @N01InParticular @Nogus101
@1000Purse30 @T4k4nuv4 @Atobe_Brick
Rider notices the massive gun and sprints towards the base of it, looking for some way to take it out of commission.
“Let’s ask the guy you caught before” Harry proposes to Jolt still from behind the column. Then the drone starts firing with machine guns with loud and powerful bangs and Harry hides between some crates “AND NOW IT HAS MACHINE GUNS!” he yells “I KNEW IT! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!”. Then he saw crosser “LOOK JOLT! CROSSER IS TRYING TO BREAK THE CUFFS!”.
Jolt waits for the drone to look away, “hold it… now.” He chases after Crosser while trying not to get detected. “You better not pull any stunts or we’re both dead,” he tells the villain as he dragged him back.
Crosser makes no objections, but laughs to himself.
“You call yourself a hero, yet you capture the innocent. What have I done to deserve this?”
Crosser continues to chuckle.
“Innocent? Right, and I’m mayor of Makuhero City.”
“On the bright side, I get to pay my former colleagues a visit,” the professor tells himself as he enters the ship.
Silence repairs himself on the ship, awaiting the other villains.
Striiker follows the villains to the launch pad. He’s excited to kick some hero butt (OOC: if they have them, which I’m not sure about).