I mean only calling them the new term. Not titan or great beings, unless those words are used to describe them to the audience. If that makes sense. The only problem is coming up with a name…
Finally, after weeks of me writing and drawing things for the Rahkshi, the cast are going to be talking about them in the next Podcast!
Same. I have a whole pitch for their elements that I’m about to adjust to fit the toa personalities.
im going to ask some questions for my Rahkshi backstory writing.
who are the leaders of the earth tribe, are they religious and what does the leader of the earth tribe do. How much wisdom and knowledge do they have. this is important to Vorahk’s backstory.
what is the fire tribe’s leadership like? do they have a king? Was Narmoto/Tahu and Jaller of royal birth?
what is the water tribe like? And what roles do the men in the village have.
what is the royal guard of the ice tribe like?
i would like it if some of the podcast members could also answer these questions too.
I have to say, this is very interesting. Lewa’s female though but meh I’ve seen worst.
There is this one thing that sort of bugs me. I don’t mean to be rude or anything but do the Elemental Creatures have to be renamed Elemental Gods and not Elemental Spirits? I mean, I can imagine the controversy that could spark if a company such as Lego were to actually release children’s toys with the word God in it.
Edit: I did not watch any of the recent podcasts, which means I wouldn’t know if this topic has already been discussed.
That would be true if it was using the name God as a reference to a monotheistic religion like Christianity. However, the Elemental Gods are more like the Greek Gods. This has a more mythological connotation instead of a religious one, since most people think of the myths about Zeus/Poseidon/etc. than the actual worship of them.
They used the term “Spirit” to refer to the manifestation of the Elemental Gods’ power (Spirit of Fire/Water/etc.). Each of these spirits are called the name of their respective G1 counterpart (Spirit of Fire is called Tahu). So a Matoran is granted the mantle of “Tahu”, and takes on that new identity.
Sounds great so far.
Not sure about how i feel about lewa being female otherwise i have no problem with it
I wish they are more like Polynesian Gods…you know what culture Bionicle most takes inspirations from. Greek is soooo overdone in every media ever, we need to show something that most people barely know about.
Would using the term “Nuva” make things better? For reference, here.
It’s the same thing for the comment. Both are polytheistic cultures. I just say Greek because it’s an easily identifiable mythology. I wasn’t saying they are or should be actually based on Greek culture.
Thats exactly why I dont want it to be Greek, its easily identifiable, which means its been done to hell and back. We need something that not a lot of people know about which would make Bionicle feel unique like it should.
That’s fine, but no one ever said the story actually was Greek. I just made the comparison that Brickonicle has multiple Gods, just like Greek culture (that doesn’t mean it actually is Greek). It was purely to answer the prior comment about using the term “Gods” in Brickonicle. To make my comment easier to understand, I chose a comparison that almost everyone is familiar with. It had nothing to do with the actual Brickonicle story.
Currently, they don’t have any specific culture as a base. The only thing they’ve done is have the appearance of the villages look like various cultures from all over the world (Viking, Aztec, Medieval, etc.)
He’s referencing polytheism, not specifically Greek culture.
I though up an interesting way for Turahk to be defeated. In my version of Turahk see, he is one of the few Rahkshi who are far more evil in their motivations. He is the type of persion who manipulates others and uses their own fears to get them to do as he wants. The way he would be defeated would be to have his own weapon, fear, be used against him.
im imagening it some what similarly to this moment from Star Trek Voyager:
In response to this week’s Rahkshi discussion on the podcast:
How about relating each Rahkshi and their powers / weaknesses to the Seven Deadly Sins?
I also have a few ideas for each Rahkshi in mind given this:
Turahk - Fear / Sloth
As a Matoran, Turahk was cowardly, and as a Rahkshi he incites fear and intimidates through his powers. This is in opposition to Tahu and Ta-Matoran, as they are known for their ‘bold warrior’ lifestyle.
Sloth refers to Turahk’s somewhat lazy and passive approach to leadership - he scares and disorients his opponents instead of overwhelming them with physical force.
It’d also be interesting if he was given a demonic theme to reflect this.
Guurahk - Hypnosis / Lust
As a Matoran, Guurahk is sly and manipulative, convincing other Matoran to join “her” cause(s). As a Rahkshi, she uses hypnosis to influence creatures to fight for her, and can vaguely manipulate or control the Toa. As such, her theme might best be moved to a jellyfish (or angler fish), a vibrant and hypnotic creature.
Lust refers to her enjoyment in manipulating others and getting her way. I don’t expect the link to be any more significant than that, since this is still a LEGO theme.
Guurahk’s personality and powers oppose Gali’s personality, as Gali believes in freedom, selflessness and justice.
Panrahk - Fragmentation / Pride
As a Matoran, Panrahk was once a well-renowned builder but has since been ousted from his pedestal of fame by newer builders like Hafu. His longing for power and fame has led him down a dark path.
As a Rahkshi, Panrahk revels in his newfound powers, exercising them through destruction; particularly by destroying the handiwork of his rivals.
Pride represents Panrahk’s confident and arrogant attitude that he had lost up until becoming a Rahkshi. His powers of destruction directly oppose the ‘builder-centric’ culture of the Po-Matoran.
Lerahk - Poison / Envy
As a Matoran, Lerahk was neglected and disregarded by his people and longed to seek revenge and rise above them.
As a Rahkshi, he haunts those who have wronged him, poisoning them and causing prolonged suffering, while keeping himself hidden and feared.
Envy represents Lerahk’s prior longing for acceptance, yet ironically he is now more shunned and avoided than ever before, which only fuels his vengeful rage. His personality and powers oppose the eccentric, trustworthy and outspoken nature of the Le-Matoran, as Lerahk would rather be unseen as he takes his vengeance.
Kurahk - Anger / Wrath
As a Matoran, Kurahk was enraged by the royalty his family had been denied. After orchestrating many failed skirmishes to attempt a takeover, his impatience has led him to seek darker methods of reclaiming dominion.
Now, as a Rahkshi, he incites chaos by using his powers to turn allies against one another, destabilising Ihu and guaranteeing a successful takeover.
Wrath represents Kurahk’s violent personality and his ability to incite chaos, which opposes the calm and composed nature of Kopaka and his people.
Vorahk (or ‘Nurahk’) - Hunger / Gluttony (or Greed)
As a Matoran, Vorahk was a comparably small and feeble Onu-Matoran that sought to unlock powerful but forbidden arcane knowledge from the scholars of his village. His eventual success had led him to unlocking the secrets of Makuta and how to become a Rahkshi.
As a Rahkshi, Vorahk is a hulking and clumsy creature that is ironically still relatively feeble. To enhance his strength, he must use his powers to siphon the strength from others; a process which if done to completion turns any target into a lifeless husk. As such, he is often followed by a trail of barren soil and shrivelled plantlife.
Gluttony represents Vorahk’s need to constantly drain the life force of others, and his personality opposes the wisdom and self-restraint of Onua and the Onu-Matoran.
@Mesonak I saw the newest podcast episode and the potential confusion with my gravity and psionics choice. To help clarify my decision, take a look at the following post. The two are meant to build off of each other, and this one better explains the element choice from a toa conflict perspective.
In it, I propose to swap which rahkshi each toa initially fights to make for good internal struggles, based on the rahkshi powers. (This internal struggle for each toa is what made me pick psionics and gravity specifically.)
I had actually made the backstory pitch later on, in an attempt to take the element pitch deeper, so the main crux of the pitch comes from the element post.
So I haven’t been active in the boards in a long time but I have been listening to the G3 discussion for a while and love the feel of this universe. I did have one thought I want to throw out there. It’s a long one. Just a heads up I haven’t been able to keep straight so I will be referring to Onua as just Onua. This is about Onua as a matoran, his personality and how Bomonga’s hunger plays a part in being an opposite to Onua. This does pitch Onua not so passive, but can work with him as a passive character.
You’ve Made great dynamics with all the Toa for when they were just simply Matoran. They not having any elemental powers in anyway, shape or form. You could play with this lack of elemental powers in many ways, but my thought is in Onua’s case you make his lack of affinity for the elements an envied trait in his village. If I remember right from the previous episodes you have set him up living in a small village outside the big settlements of the region. My pitch is making this village’s original founding based on the idea of being natural and working with the element rather then forming it. This could also have been the original believes of the region as a whole and over time things changed and it slowly embraced using their elemental powers and Onua’s village branched off when this started happening. The villagers only using their elemental powers in the simplest ways like nurturing their crops or in natural herbal healing or not at all if appropriate. Treating the world as a place they live with not in something to take over or call their own. Coexisting with nature as an ally and friend. Only taking from it as much as was needed to survive, like food and timber. Giving back to it in return by protecting and nurturing the surrounding plant life and wildlife. With Rahi life stock, treating them as partners not as subjects to their needs. Taking from the Native American way of living portrayed in some films. Many of the village members would still be warriors, but only to defend their settlements and nature from Rahi or whatever threat comes. Onua, would be a legend in this village, being born without any elemental abilities he would be the greatest example of working with nature and the villagers would make him the chieftain. His skills and strength as a warrior, leader, family member, and individual would be unmatched in the villagers’ minds because he is unhindered by powers that would make his life easier. So when the time comes when he would be changed into a Toa he would gain this new found fear that upon returning to his village as a elemental powerhouse he would be disgusted by his village. This combined with him losing his family would cause a great sense of loss. In his life a Tao he would still have great abilities as a warrior, him being well trained in his use of a war hammer for instance because of his many years as the chieftain. He would have in inner battle though with using his elemental powers, especially in battle, not only because he would feel like betraying his tribe and family, but because he truly believed in the ways of life that are apart of his village. That nature should not be controlled by anyone, but that it should be coexisted with and in a sense obeyed. His inner battle would not be immature though, you could imagine it like a wise Native American chieftain or shaman learning to except of the modern world or the way of the Europeans settlers coming into his world.
As for the The rahkshi Vorahk/Bomonga, he may have no direct personal connection to the Onua he would be a traveler with a quest seeking to increase his elemental powers. “Hungering” for greatness. He could be looked at as being the extreme of the rest of the region, truly embracing his powers to the point to where all he wants is more. On his travels he would stumble upon this village of matoran naturalist and would be shocked and would go about asking the villagers why they would abandon their powers. He would also seek to persuade them to change their ways. Onua as the chieftain would be his greatest target to persuade. Onua would not except his way of living and would council him against his “unnatural” way of life and quest for greater power to bend nature to his will. Not wishing this new way of life to be in his village any longer, he would ask Bomonga to leave. Bomonga would comply saying he was only passing through and only spoke up in the village finding it a waste to throw away such a gift. He would then leave one last thought for Onua saying, wasn’t it nature that gave each matoran their powers? On his journeys later Bomonga would grow such hunger for power that he would come into the cult being promised greater aptitude for the elements. The opposites between Onua and Bomonga would be their different beliefs concerning the elemental powers that matoran have. With the idea of the entire region “falling” to the way of embracing their powers it would make a different dinamic where Bomonga search for power would not be so much be looked down upon like the other Rhakshi had encountered in their regions as matoran. Making Bomonga seem normal to the world outside of Onua’s village.
For Onua the question posed to him by the power seeking traveler would linger in his mind only existing as a curiosity and possibly as a slight doubt, but he would cast it aside each time he would remember the encounter. Later Being transformed into a Toa with power beyond belief would find the words of the traveler taking hold on his mind once again. This time He would take an inner quest to find out if his powers are from nature and should be used to control it or if he was now cursed from the point of view of his upbringing. Climaxing on a point in his journeys as a Toa where he would discover that both the traveler and his village were right. By using his powers and “listening” to nature he would be a true Toa and naturalist at he same time and that they were not separate from one another. He would become stronger in his abilities by obeying the will of the elements and nature, while nature would also obey him as he used his powers to control them in turn. Becoming one with nature and the elements. This combined with his abilities as a warrior would make a him formidable beyond compare. With this new understanding of nature and the elements and how it should be obeyed while also controlled, Onua would not only prove that his village was wrong in their views but also his entire region. He would then create a new way of life and from that point on he would seek to share with his entire region.
That’s my pitch, hope you like it!
Hello! First off, I’d like to say I’m enjoying what you guys are doing with this project! I just have one question regarding some background world building. This isn’t of much story importance, but its regarding the rahi. If they are to be included in this new world you have built up, would rahi like the Muaka, Tarakava, and Kane Ra still have treads for limbs, or would they be slightly more natural (or as natural as biomechanical lifeforms can get) in design. I know its not of any importance, but just to be clear. I love the little details like these.
Nice this is great world building can’t wait for the rest of it
Threads on Rahi was always weird, we need to scrap that, not only that but Muaka and Kane-Ra need to look quite different from one another, since one is a tiger and one is a bull (those two things are not one and the same).