Not as good in posing as Monopoly is, but I feel like it is good enough.
Yeah I finished it.
Oh no
There’s more of them
What have I done
dude.gvie me intructions and i will build another one.
Oh no, it’s spreading, get containment down here ASAP!
I like the headphones and extra armor. Am getting TSO vibes from the colour scheme but it’s still really nice. Crit would be that the headphones hanging on the hip is a bit odd and there is no clear front shot, thus making it hard to see the whole Moc. But dang your photography is real crisp.
was going to write ‘bat waifu’ but my brain said no
oh gosh they’re spreading
nice moc, I like how it resembles Monopoly’s infamous trio but is still different.
It is refreshing having a zany trend again though, stirs up activity and makes for a lot of jokes and moc inspiration.
The right thing.
Thank you,
yeah I realised it when uploading the pictures.
I tried to put it around the neck, but it was just a little too big, so the only escape was putting it around the hip. I think I will try some new options, whenever I have some time.
Ok I will make one tomorrow.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, hope it stays for some time.
I might jump on. Maybe a drawing? …
This is great!
Now do it in gold
I want to make one now, but a) I don’t have access to my pieces right now, b) I don’t have/ am using my only copies of many of the pieces involved. Still though, I might try and do something similar sometime especially if @TotalMaddness would send me the instructions
it has begun
Thank you.
You could use if nothing else works.
I would recommend looking at Waffles, that’s where I got most parts from. Main thing that is hard to see is the chest, though there is a picture in the court case.
Full instructions for everyone who wanted them.
Just saw that. Just a little to late
Neat headphone design
Thank you very much.
The headphones are really clever, easily recognizable as such.
Thank you very much