[CLOSED] SIGNUPS ANNOUNCEMENT: The Toa Falment Community Project/Collab

Then why are you allowing Shadow?


Also do the parts have to be in existing colors or no?

@SirKeksalot actually yeah sure go for it

@Toa_Good_Guy no, they donā€™t


I have a mostly-ready toa of lightning, butā€¦
how am I supposed to do a picture of that outside while its pouring rain and storming?

You could photoshop it if you want to or make a new toa

I have a cool idea for the picture of my toa of shadow. We had a pool in our back yard this summer and now there is this barren spot where it was. I thought it would be cool to take a picture of my toa standing in the middle of it, possibly at night if lighting allows. What do you think?


Sure! As long as the Moc looks like it belongs there, itā€™s fine!

I already have a toa of gravity Iā€™m working on so why not!

count me in!

Moved to Promotions & Advertising section


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just a quick question what exactly does Toa falment mean? I assume itā€™s a toa team name?

actually, can i switch my entryā€™s element?

i was thinking lightning since iā€™ve never really built one before

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Ya itā€™s the toa team name. Iā€™ll change it to Electricity for ya. But just think of how youā€™ll make a backdrop for Electricity.

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oh, I already know how to do that.

Canā€™t wait to see!

ooh, that could help with some story then. (my toa of lightning moc is part of an outcast group of toa hagah, and she came from another toa team originally.)
Is it ok if I roll with that?

Oh I need to add you.

oh, just to let you know, I may or may not be able to get pictures for a little while.
but the moc is mostly set on its own. (it needs some SERIOUS revamping at a later date)

Just be sure to have them by November 14th

You are the ones who will be participating! The signups are closed because we have reached 8 people.


So, whatā€™s the story behind the toa falment? Or is there none yet?


there supposed to be a group of outcast toa. Some who never fit in. Also, Iā€™m making the light and shadow toa to have been av- matoran no matter what.

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