Cusp of a New Era: Stories of a Changing Time(RP Topic)

Moenir relayed the message. He comments to Lillan,
“I hope it serves you well. I’ll see if I can help your friend.”
He walks over to Ryko,
“Find anything?”

Ryko shrugged.
“Not sure. I’m not seein’ any sort of chemicals or whatnot. ‘S there anythin’ for chemistry?”

Moenir thinks,
“Maybe not in this plaza, There’s a shop a few blocks from here. That’s the best place to check.”

“'Kay. I’ll check there, then.”

Sarah continued wandering around the plaza, becoming increasingly impatient.
Suddenly, in the corner of her eye, she sees what looks like one of the sailors going along the street. Upon a second glance, though, she sees nothing. She wanders closer to the rest of the group.


Moenir goes to Sarah, “I’m going to take him.”
He gestures at Ryko,
“And head to the alchemist’s shop a couple blocks down. Do you know the way back to my mother’s house? Because I need you to head there if there is any emergency, for any reason. That is the safest place I can think of in this city.”
@Runa @meepinater

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She thinks, then nods. “Yeah, but ye’d better be careful. Thought I just saw one’a those sailors from earlier wanderin’ 'round.” She warns.

Ryko cocks his pistols, before slipping them back under his coat.
“Locked an’ loaded.” He grunted.

Sean took a seat at his desk, sighing in relief after the fiasco with the battle had mostly died down, and took out a few pages of paper and a pen. He sighed. This is going to be a long night. He thinks, before writing at the top of one of the papers.

Declaration for the Independence of the Kenani People

Hans walks through the streets, looking for any straggling fighting to help with.

Jacques rushes around town, trying to break up the fighting and fix any left over mess before the Mademoiselle arrives.

Moenir heads off, leading Ryko to where the Alchemist’s shop was. He took long winding alleyways, most likely to be careful.

Blud sighs, he gets off the couch and looks at Aina,
“Our little boy has grown.”

Aina nods,
“He has, though I doubt he has any memories of you, he was too little to remember you properly.”

Blud shakes his head,
“I should have stayed.”

Aina hits his head with a wooden ladle,
“You’re a pirate and now my son is a freedom fighter. I had always hoped he would stay away from the fighting, but he’s so much like you. I doubt it will be long before he finds a ship of his own to call home. You may have only been there for a very little time, but trust me, I’m just happy to have you back. Honestly I don’t want you to ever leave again.”

Blud sulks,
“You know then?”

Aina hits him again with the ladle,
“I’m not an idiot. I know you’re going to leave again and for good reason. Just remember to actually be a father this time and I might forgive you.”

Blud chirps up,
“Shall we?”

Aina looks at him,
“Shall we what?”

Blud looks her dead in the eyes,
“Shall we dance? I think in order to be somewhat of a family I should at least be a proper husband.”

Aina smiles,
“Well you are at least thick-skulled I’ll give you that.”
She grabs his hand,
“But yes that would be nice.”

The Bear goes over his paperwork, it was just about complete, well at least this day’s worth. He had a sneaking suspicion about something and wrote the other names all letters that they should come to Dulhen in three days time. Now only time will tell what this troublesome Gathenian will have for them and what it might mean for their merchant kingdom. If you could call it that.

Ryko quietly followed Moenir through the streets, keeping a hand on his cutlass.
He slipped his hand into his jacket and brought out the swirling black vial, looking at it and searching the seal for a crack, before slipping it back away into his collection of poisons and potions.

Kasie snuck up behind Sarah (@Runa) and attempted to pick her pocket.

Lillan stood quietly, leaning against a wall. In his hand he held a small bowl, in which he was mixing flower petals and some other chemicals to create a pleasant teal dye.

Sarah stopped. “One wrong move an’ yer gonna lose a hand.” She warns.

Sean keeps writing, pausing every so often to try and look over his work.

In his travels around town, Hans hears someone yelling.
“La Grande Armée s’est arrêtée à Meadowbrooke!” The crier calls. “Les forces rencontrent l’armée ennemie, l’avance stoppée!”

Hans’ Nikidian may not have been good, but his knowledge was cursory enough to recognize “Grand Armèe” and “arrêtèe.” He rushes to find Sean and tell him the news.

Kasie grinned and withdrew her hand.
“I won’t make any.” She retorted. “Never have.”

Sarah glances at Kasie’s hand, to make sure she didn’t grab anything. “Well ye seem t’come pretty close sometimes.”

Louisa nods. “Merci.” She follows the other’s directions without another words, carefully poking her head into the upper path.

She would find that, for the moment at least, the path was quiet.

Moenir would eventually stop in front of a house with cobble walls and a wooden frame. It had a cobble chimney and grey smoked puffed from it. Moenir walks towards the door opening it,
“Νταλα, έχω έναν πελάτη για σένα. Μπορεί να βρει ενδιαφέροντα είδη αλχημείας.”
A tired and rough voice responded,
“Καλά, έπειτα να τον κοιτάξει γύρω”
Moenir nods,
“He said you can look around.”

Kasie’s fist was clenched tight.

Ryko nodded and entered, blinking to let his eyes adjust.

Sarah raises an eyebrow. “Open yer hand, please.” She asks, clearly not trusting her.

Kasie opened it, and in the palm of her hand was a Gathenian coin, the one worth the least value.
Kasie frowned in annoyance.
“How’d you tell?”