@Ninjanicktf I’d love that. I would actually totally be willing to 3d print the helmet, if I knew how. I made some decals, so I might also print them on some stickers when I get my fig collection back.
Yours was one of the only ones to include a minifigure concept, and I love it! It’s exactly what I had in mind when Var showed me the Nexo Knights minifigures on the podcast. I love how you used existing armor for Lewa, and yet it meshes so well with the figure and how it looks.
I love minifigure design, so seeing this is incredible. I eagerly await more.
Wow, thank you so much, Jon! It’s really incredible to hear that from you. I’ve been really inspired by TTV and Brickfeed lately! I was away from LEGO for a few months and then you guys pulled me back in. it’s good to be back.
That’d be awesome! I’ve downloaded an app to do so myself but haven’t gotten around to it yet. The only piece that is new is the mask element. All of the other pieces are already available in other sets.