Delusions of Grandeur - The Reboot

Tarev begins to walk to the grand moff’s office

Bxa Brii hears knocking on the door of her cargo ship. She grabs her SE-14r blaster. Then, slowly, she creeps to her cargo door and opens it. Two imperial storm troopers hold up their blasters.

“You’re coming with us, miss,” they stated.

Bxa blasts at them both. One of the stormtroopers dies instantly, while the other one gets injured in the arm. He tries to flee, but Bxa fires another shot at him.

“No one is going to know about this,” she states. Then, she walks back into her lab, and grabs a potion. She then approaches the dead bodies, and pours the potion on them. The potion, being acidic, eats past the armor, and starts to make the bodies combust. After they bodies are destroyed, she hauls the burned armor into her cargo ship.

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Onei dumbly follows.

Tarev-" bit of advice, mind your tongue around this superior"

J’oe can’t help but worry if his ■■■■■■■■ was discovered, as Onei continues his stumbling path.

Tarev-“Ah we’ve made it” tarev knocks on whittal’s door

A guard stops Onei and asks him for information.

The guard follows the group to explain

OOC: This isn’t a character or an NPC, just an “extra” if you will.

Tarev knocks again

A Starspeeder 3000 drifted down onto one of the western side’s docking bays.

The voice of a soft-spoken protocol began to play inside the vessel. " We do hope you enjoyed yourselves and will come back soon. Now please remain seated until the captain has opened the exit doors. You may then unlatch your safety restraints by pressing the release button on your left. Oh, and do make sure you have your personal belongings. Thank you. Goodbye!" A series of small clicks of the passenger’s seats started to play, with all forty passengers slowly making their way through the transport’s right side.

Suddenly, the lifeless-looking droid captain situated in the front of the vessel began to speak. “Are we clear, Veefor?” A series of beeps played on the overhead. “Great.” The droid stood straight up off its seat in a fluid, nearly lifelike manner. It then started to rip off each of its chromed metal plates, until ripping off its own head, revealing the large, rounded head of a male Duros. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a comlink. “Sir, this is Tuz Lotse. We’ve landed on Cloud City.”

“Nice work, Lotse. Make your way over to the west side’s bar and wait for further orders.”

“Yes, sir.” Placing the com back in his pocket, Tuz pulled out a box from underneath his seat and threw the metal bits in. He then pulled out another case out, containing an assortment of gizmos and gadgets. “Let’s go Veefor.”

The two then started their decent toward the cantina.


Krenth sat outside the cantina, on a bench–it was nearing dusk, and the bar manager didn’t want any of the notorious howling that Nosaurians made to disrupt the other patrons. He sat disguised, of course, with his military gear and two weapons–an apparently aged blaster carbine from the Clone War, and the second, a “bryar pistol” said to be fresh out of R&D–in the care of his GNK droid, back at his ship, the Blackheart. Little did he know, however, Fort, as Krenth called the droid, had his own plans in mind…

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Captain Nathan paced, he wasn’t used to command, just a few short months ago he’d been a perfectly content corporal, now he had a squad he had to lead

Tarev now begins to knock on the door slightly harder

“Come in!”

OOC: I won’t always be available so we’re gonna have to wait at times.

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Tarev-" grand admiral tarev, at your service now what could you want so badly to call me from my expedition in the deep core?"

Jorlin gets out from behind the crate and smiles.
“A beautiful day, isn’t it, BX-770?”
770 shrugged. “My photoreceptors aren’t programmed to define beauty.”
“I need to fix that sometime. Get 771 and 772.”
770 signaled his companions.

OOC: Hey, I recognize that name…


Onei tapped his foot anxiously while waiting.

Tarev-“also I brought our little scout friend with, actually now that I think about it What’s your name scout?”

OOC: I scrapped the original character, but I felt the name could be used again in a character playing essentially the same role.

771 and 772 got there, along with Jorlin’s personal spy droid, X9-43.
“Sir, we have located Jocal,” X9 says in an electronic voice.
“Good, good, but please cut the voice. I know you can speak normally,” Jorlin said.
“Fine,” X9 said in a much more human voice. “I’m going back to the Darksaber.”
“You do that. 770, go with him.”
770 nodded, showing off the white markings on his head, denoting him as the head of his squad. Jorlin was his boss, thus he controlled all three of them.


He blurted out suddenly with an awkward salute.

Tarev-“You know what scout, I’m beginning to like you”