Edgeack Protector of fire

This paintjob is exquisite.
He himself isn’t amazing, but the paint job goes well beyond making up for it.

@Sonus all i need to do is remove his legs XD :wink:
@king328 thank you allot, and ik the build isnt great, i just threw it together :slight_smile:

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Don’t worry, he got his legs back

@TheMoltenKing in form of spider legs, then demon legs

I`m guessing the paint is ever lasting

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Then proper ones

@Kirk aye


@doomrider yes but it can be removed, it is just hard :slight_smile:
@TheMoltenKing Wait he looks amazing when was this introduced ? its not in the clone wars right?

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Yeah, that’s Clone Wars.
Later on, the Mandalore Arc.


@Hutere dyam i never knew this

Not particularly complex and not the biggest fan of the main design. However points must be awarded for the paint details, especially on the chest piece as i know symmetry is difficult to do when painting and despite a few small parts it comes off look rather nice.

I like the idea of crafting weapons from dead skull spiders… seems creepy yet at the same time something i feel a village lacking resources might do. Though i do feel the idea needs a bit of refining as the one uses a rubber band while the other just looks like the spider is resting on the shooter - though i must admit the shell piece at the back does work perhaps implying it as a spine or something from inside the spider that has been stretched over the weapon, though it does look a little hollow from the side.

Overall, feel the concept is good though needs a little practice. The painting is definitely the standout feature of this MOC though - and i hope you paint more in the future. Practice makes perfect and I’d like to see you continue to improve on future painted sets.

@Scarilian thanks allot for the kind words , all my Mocs iv posted on hear have been painted , as i like to do something different , and ik the paint job isn’t exact and that’s why i wanted to do this and work on this style to improve my range :slight_smile: The weapons and Moc itself where very quickly thrown together , not much effort put into it at all :slight_smile:

As i said, i think its done well enough that there isn’t anything majorly obvious to me. I’ve seen worse paint issues on Lego’s official printed pieces xD Besides, it also works as a form of ‘tribal paint’ in my mind. Either way, I’d like to see how you tackle one of the rare masks, or the beast masks :3

@Scarilian i shall try and do them :3

Darth maul constraction set… :laughing:


@Durahk YAS XD :joy:

what are thouse pieces I keep seing people use on there mocs to hide the not used ball joints?
(also cool idea with the weapons kinda reminds me of monster hunter ^^ )

@KazumaDoubleIce well if you are talking about the legs and arms they are the rubber wheel pieces in i think he second smallest size, and thanks allot :slight_smile:

I see they are the wheel piece, most be a pain to get on or off the mocs.

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@KazumaDoubleIce actully not at all as i do not put them on exposed ball joints , they are on ccbs bones that do not have ball joints at all, they are on the very small axle point

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Amazing paint job! But am I the only one getting Darth Maul vibes from it?