Edgeack Protector of fire

Really I thought of Dread King Rathalos armor from monster hunter Generation.

@Kidnapped_Sock many people have said this and thanks allot :slight_smile:
@KazumaDoubleIce sadly i have never played monster hunter :o

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You should it is awsome I can recomend some youtubers for you that have done lets plays of Monster hunter 4 ultimate and are doing Lets plays of the latest game monster hunter generation, theres PakAdiYak. then there is Omegaevolution as well as gaijin hunter who do the best explanations of the game weapons and mechanics. Finally theres Arekkz Gaming who do videos about armor set building.

@KazumaDoubleIce sounds cool but i dont know if i have time to really watch youtube, i set my time out to watch TTV and then some other ones but most of my time atm is taken up by college work etc

I see, no worries I hardly have time to make any new mocs my self thanks to work and studing Japanese on the side, not forgeting to watch anime and read manga as well as play monster hunter just befor bed I dont even know where I get the time from but just barly get every thing done each day.

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im also starting to study the Japanese language just so i can watch my anime and understand it if it is not subbed yet XD also im a huge weeb so XD do you read Nanatsu no Taizai??? if not it is amazing and a must read, also the first season of the anime is amazing

you meen the seven deadly sins?
Yeah I have both watched and read it.
am wating for new chapter as we speek to come out.

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Bllllhhh Nao i say nao i hate not being able to do mocs like this.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Monster Hunter Series

@KazumaDoubleIce Yes , the seven deadly sins :slight_smile: i have all the chapters in paper copys and i am also waiting for the new chapter ! HOLLY MOTHER MELIODAS YAY !!!
@AMocXperience324 hahahah thanks and you could if u put time into it :slight_smile: promise

What kind of paint is that?

@TheSpikeySpider citadel paints :slight_smile:

I typically don’t like paint on Bionicles, but this looks fantastic.

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